Habbo Console Registered users of Habbo Hotel have the option of contacting
other users via a communications console (Habbo Console). In order to send a message to another
Habbo, a user must first ask if that person wants to be a "friend". Once this request is accepted, users
can send instant messages, email or SMS with just the name of their Habbo friends. No personal details,
such as email addresses and phone numbers are revealed when sending console messages. Habbo Hotel
keeps these details secure and does not use them for any other purpose. A user can remove a Habbo from
their friends list at any time.
Human Intervention More than 200 human moderators are used to monitor
the Habbo Hotel site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These community managers, known
as "Hobbas", act as sheriffs for the site and are identified on-site by a badge.
Hobbas are trained to be on red alert to identify and resolve any abusive or critical situations.
Situations that they have been instructed to prevent include cybersex, bullying, abuse,
discrimination or racism and attempts to make private contact outside of the Habbo Hotel
environment. The moderators retain the right to kick an offending Habbo out of a room, or in
extreme cases, ban a member's computer from the site for life.
Hobbas are regularly recruited and trained to ensure that the moderator to user ratio is
kept at a safe level.
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