User education Habbo Hotel recognises the importance of educating its
members about the nature and structure of online encounters and situations where children
need to exercise caution.
Safety guidelines have been incorporated into the site, which advise Habbos to be vigilant
of other members who may be lying about their identity, or attempting to lure them into an
emotionally abusive arena. Its teen-friendly tips on safe Habboing (chatting) are designed to
help teenagers identify potentially dangerous situations, while provide them with a course of
action for dealing with unsuitable encounters.
The central message of the site is that "the hotel is a great place to meet people, but always
bear in mind that people may not be who they say they are". Visitors are advised not to give
out any personal details about themselves, and not to meet anyone offline without an adult
being present. They are reminded of these guidelines with regular safety interstitials (adverts) that are
visible when moving between rooms in the hotel.
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