Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server         : localhost
Source Server Version : 50152
Source Host           : localhost:3306
Source Database       : chopdb

Target Server Type    : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50152
File Encoding         : 65001

Date: 2011-02-01 21:42:54

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `badges`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `badges` (
  `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `id` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `current` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of badges
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO badges VALUES ('1', 'ADM', '1');
INSERT INTO badges VALUES ('1', 'HC1', '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `bans`
-- ----------------------------
  `habboid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `ip` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  `message` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `expires` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`habboid`,`ip`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bans
-- ----------------------------

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `bobbafilter`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bobbafilter`;
CREATE TABLE `bobbafilter` (
  `word` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`word`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bobbafilter
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO bobbafilter VALUES ('bieber');
INSERT INTO bobbafilter VALUES ('cock');
INSERT INTO bobbafilter VALUES ('fuck');
INSERT INTO bobbafilter VALUES ('pussy');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `catalogue_deals`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `catalogue_deals`;
CREATE TABLE `catalogue_deals` (
  `id` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The ID of this deal [the part after "deal"]',
  `tid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The template ID of the item that should be in this deal',
  `amount` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The amount, of how many items of the type _TID should be in this deal',
  KEY `id` (`id`),
  KEY `tid` (`tid`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of catalogue_deals
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '272', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '325', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '485', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '270', '2');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '484', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '69', '3');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '72', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '318', '2');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '76', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '410', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '328', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '312', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '313', '3');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '402', '1');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '352', '4');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '41', '6');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '42', '6');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '43', '6');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '44', '6');
INSERT INTO catalogue_deals VALUES ('2249', '0', '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `catalogue_pages`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `catalogue_pages`;
CREATE TABLE `catalogue_pages` (
  `indexid` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
  `orderid` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
  `minrank` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
  `indexname` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `displayname` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `style_layout` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `img_header` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `img_side` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci,
  `label_description` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci,
  `label_misc` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci,
  `label_moredetails` varchar(150) COLLATE latin1_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `opt_bodyreplace` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci,
  PRIMARY KEY (`indexid`,`orderid`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of catalogue_pages
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('5', '0', '7', 'no rares', 'Rariteten', 'ctlg_norares', 'catalog_rares_headline1', 'ctlg_norare_char1,', 'Det er ingen raritet for øyeblikket, men følg med via forsiden og sjekk ut her jevnlig for nye rariteter ...<br>', '', '', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('6', '0', '1', 'Rare', 'Rariteten', 'ctlg_productpage1', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Her kommer det nye raritet hver fredag!', '', '', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('7', '0', '1', 'Spaces', 'Rom', 'ctlg_spaces', 'catalog_spaces_headline1', null, 'Gulv, tapeter og landskap- få en funky kombinasjon til rommene dine.', 't5:Mønster\r\nt2:Gulv\r\nt8:Mønster\r\nt11:Landskap\r\nt10:Gulv\r\nt6:Farge\r\nt3:Mønster\r\nt9:Farge', 't7:Forhåndsvis t4:Farge t1:Vegg', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('8', '0', '8', 'Pets', 'Pets', 'ctlg_pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1', 'catalog_pets_teaser1,', 'Fluff, scales and whiskers, meows, snaps and woofs!  Anyone can have a pet on Habbo!  Select your new pet from our ever changing selection, just click to page two then click back, to see more pets!', 'u:Pets2', 'Adopt a Pet today!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('9', '0', '8', 'Pet Accessories', 'Pet Accessories', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_pet_headline2', 'ctlg_pet_teaser1,', 'You\'ll need to take care of your pet to keep it happy and healthy. This section of the Catalogue has EVERYTHING you?ll need to satisfy your pet?s needs.', 's:You\'ll have to share it!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('11', '0', '1', 'Area', 'Område', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_area_headline1', 'catalog_area_teaser1,', 'Enkle og rare linjer til Habroxen som foretrekker funksjonalisme. Innbydene og ren komfort for alle.', 's:2: Super elsker de!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('12', '0', '1', 'Accessories', 'Tilbehør', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_extra_headline1', 'catalog_extra_teaser1,', 'Det er pyntetingene og de små finessene som forteller mest om hvem du er!', 's:2: Jeg elsker kaninene mine...', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('13', '0', '1', 'Asian', 'Orientalsk', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_asian_headline1', 'catalog_asian_teaser1,', 'Er du klar for litt kinesisk stil? Skaff deg de kinesiske møblene i dag! Kineserne jobber for en billig penge, så det er ikke dyrt å kjøpe ;-)', 's:2: Kris elsker tradisjonell stil!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('14', '0', '1', 'Bathroom', 'Badrom', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_bath_headline1', 'catalog_bath_teaser1,', 'Gjør det mulig for deg og gjestene dine å bli freshe og vaske sine skitne lanker!', 's:2: Alle Habboer trenger et!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('15', '0', '1', 'Candy', 'Candy', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_candy_headline1', 'catalog_candy_teaser1,', 'Rosa og femi! Perfekt til et jenterom! Kjøp de i dag ;-)', 's:2: Busken digger de!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('113', '0', '7', 'lol', 'Habroxween', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Bedre seint enn aldri!', 's:2: Habrox Hotell', 'kjQp ivei!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('16', '0', '7', 'Camera', 'Kamera', 'ctlg_camera1', 'catalog_camera_headline1', 'campic_cam,campic_film,', 'UTE AV DRIFT', '', 't1: Kun til ustilling til rommet ditt!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('121', '0', '1', 'v31.6', 'Kjøkken', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Kjøkken 2009', 's:2: Av: Superwhite', 'kjøp ivei!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('114', '0', '7', 'Gamle Habbo', 'Gamle Habbo', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Savner du gamle habbo?', 's:2: Habrox Hotell', 'kjQp ivei!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('17', '0', '1', 'Flags', 'Flagg', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_flags_headline1', 'catalog_flags_teaser1,', 'Det er flagg fra ulike nasjoner, du kan kjøpe piratflagg og andre nyttige ting man kan ha på veggen.', 's:2: Flagger denne seksjonen!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('102', '0', '7', 'SciFi', 'SciFi', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'New SciFi Furni', null, 'Click on the item you want for more information.', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('18', '0', '1', 'Gallery', 'Galleriet', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_gallery_headline1', 'catalog_posters_teaser1,', 'Plakater, bilder og andre malerier! Her finner du alt mulig, til en billig mynt!', 's:2: Det dekker hullet i veggen!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('19', '0', '1', 'Glass', 'Glass', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_glass_headline1', 'catalog_glass_teaser1,', 'Nå kan du kjøpe gjennomsiktige møbler! De er kule, og er laget av glass. Det skal veldig mye til, før de knuser!', 's:2: Det er gjennomsiktig?! WOW!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('20', '0', '1', 'Gothic', 'Gotisk', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_gothic_headline1', 'catalog_gothic_teaser1,', 'Dette er møblene med sterke farger. De er kule, spesielle og ikke lik noen andre!', 's:Jeg elsker mørket...', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('21', '0', '1', 'Grunge', 'Grunge', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_gru_headline1', 'catalog_gru_teaser,', 'Er du en liten gangster? Liker du gatebråk? Kjøp disse møblene og inviter gjengen over!', '', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('22', '0', '7', 'Habbo Exchange', 'Habrox Bank', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_bank_headline1', 'catalog_bank_teaser,', 'Kan veksles tilbake til Habrox Mynt. Bra å ha hvis du vil bytte møbler mot Habrox Mynt.', 's:Møbler med bytterett!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('23', '0', '7', 'Habbowood', 'Habroxwood', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Du er en stjerne, og derfor kan du skaffe deg disse i dag!', 's:1: Lyst...kamera...ACTION!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('24', '0', '1', 'Iced', 'Iced', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_iced_headline1', 'catalog_iced_teaser1,', 'Iced er minimalistiske og moderne møbler til Habroxen med stil. De er ikke en fast del av katalogen, men i blandt kan du finne dem i en ny farge her på siden.', 's:2: Flotte hvite iced møbler', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('25', '0', '1', 'Japanese', 'Japansk', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_jap_headline2', 'catalog_jap_teaser3,', 'Det er japanske møbler, go de konkurrer mot de kinesiske! Hvem er mest populære blant brukerne?', 's:1: Japanske møbler!!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('26', '0', '1', 'Lodge', 'Hytte', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_lodge_headline1', 'catalog_lodge_teaser1,', 'Selv om du er på Nightbox kan du oppleve hyttekos foran peisen. For Habboer som foretrekker friluftsliv og naturlige materialer.', 's:2: Hvordan var din boarding i dag?', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('27', '0', '1', 'Mode', 'Mode', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_mode_headline1', 'catalog_mode_teaser1,', 'Stålfarget, funksjonalisme kombinert med glatt designet møbeltrekk. Habboen som velger disse møblene er en kul og urban byrotte.', 's:2: Wow, kule møbler!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('28', '0', '1', 'Offers', 'Tilbud', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_deals_headline1', 'catalog_deals_teaser1,', 'Her er det ikke mange tilbud, men kanskje kommer det senere?', '', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('29', '0', '1', 'Plants', 'Planter', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_plants_headline1', 'catalog_plants_teaser1,', 'Ethvert rom trenger en plante! Ikke bare tar de med seg litt av naturen inn, de gjør også luften friskere!', 's:2: Jeg er et tre!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('127', '0', '7', 'Custom', 'Twillight', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Twillight for alle penga!', '', 'Twillight fan #1', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('115', '0', '1', 'Chill & Relax', 'Chill & Relax', '', 'catalog_limited_headline1', null, null, null, null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('30', '0', '1', 'Plastic', 'Plastikk', 'ctlg_plasto', 'catalog_plasto_headline1', null, 'Med på 70-talls moten? Så \"spice up your life\" med noen kule farver. Valg en farve etter humøret, personligheten eller yndlingsfarven din.', 't2:Velg farge\r\ns:Nye farger!\r\nt3:Vis\r\nt1:Velg et produkt', 'Velg produkt og farge!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('96', '0', '7', 'TEST 2', 'Landbruk', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_area_headline1', 'catalog_area_teaser1,', 'Landbruk.', '', 'Her er de!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('31', '0', '8', 'Presents', 'Presents', 'ctlg_presents', 'catalog_gifts_headline1', 'catalog_presents_teaser1,catalog_presents_teaser2,', 'Show your Habbo friends just how much you care and send them a gift from the Habbo Catalogue.  ANY Catalogue item can be sent as a gift to ANY Habbo, all you need is their Habbo name!', 't1:Buying an item as a gift couldn?to be simpler...  <br><br>Buy an item from the Catalogue in the normal way, but tick \'buy as a gift\'. Tell us which Habbo you want to give the gift to and we\'ll gift wrap it and deliver it straight to their hand.', '', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('32', '0', '1', 'Pura', 'Pura', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_pura_headline1', 'catalog_pura_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Pura Collection...  This collection breathes fresh, clean air and cool tranquility. The Pura Waltzer has arrived!  Check back regularly to see  new colours of Pura on sale!', '', 'Click on the item you want for more information.', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('33', '0', '7', 'Recycler', 'Ecotron', 'ctlg_recycler', 'catalog_recycler_headline1', null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('34', '0', '7', 'Rollers', 'Rollers', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_roller_headline1', '', 'Habbo Rollerne transportere deg og møblene dine rundt omkring i rommet, de er perfekte til å styre en kø til en konkurranse.', 's:Du kan ha 35 rollere i et rom!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('95', '0', '7', 'TEST', 'Random', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_area_headline1', 'catalog_area_teaser1,', 'Mye forskjellig.', '', 't1: VIP', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('35', '0', '1', 'Romantique', 'Romantique', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_romantique_headline1', 'catalog_rom_teaser,', 'De romantiske møblene stammer fra mange år tilbake i tid! De er spesielle og betyr mye for eldre Habboer! Kjøp dem i dag, og inviter din store kjærlighet!', '', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('83', '0', '7', 'Neon', 'Neon', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Habrox har Møbelrace å legger masse fete møbler i katalogen! Neon møblene er en del av dem!', null, 'Få dem mens de er her!', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('88', '0', '1', 'Minicity', 'Habrox by', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_city_header', 'catalog_city_teaser_es', 'De nyeste, de kuleste byene! Lag din egen by og vis den frem til vennene dine ;-)', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('36', '0', '1', 'Rugs', 'Tepper', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rugs_headline1', 'catalog_rugs_teaser1,', 'Tepper for alle anledninger, man sklir ikke på dem og de er vaskbare.', 's:2: Dette blir perfekt i rommet mitt', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('37', '0', '1', 'Sports', 'Sport og trening', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_sports_headline1', 'catalog_sports_teaser1,', 'Er du sporty? Lag din egen treningsbane og sett i gang - mer skal ikke til!', null, 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('38', '0', '1', 'Teleport', 'Teleporter', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_doors_headline1', 'catalog_teleports_teaser2,catalog_door_c,catalog_door_b,', 'Beam your Pixel from one room to another with one of our cunningly disguised, space age teleports. Now you can link any two rooms together! Teleports are sold in pairs, so if you trade for them, check you\'re getting a linked pair.', 's:Teleport!', 'Teleporter ivei:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('39', '0', '1', 'Trax Ambient', 'Trax Ambient', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header1', 'catalog_trx_teaser1,', 'Welcome to the Ambient Trax Store! With groovy beats and chilled out melodies, this is the section for some cool and relaxing tunes.', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('40', '0', '1', 'Trax Dance', 'Trax Dance', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header2', 'catalog_trx_teaser2,', 'Welcome to the Dance Trax Store! With funky beats and catchy melodies, this is the section for every clubber  to indulge in.', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('41', '0', '1', 'Trax Rock', 'Trax Rock', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header3', 'catalog_trx_teaser3,', 'Welcome to the Rock Trax Store! With heavy beats and rockin\' riffs, this is the section for every rock fan to experiment with.', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('42', '0', '1', 'Trax SFX', 'Trax SFX', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header4', 'catalog_trx_teaser4,', 'Welcome to the SFX Trax Store! With crazy sounds and weird noises, this is the section for every creative room builder  to indulge in.', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('43', '0', '1', 'Trax Urban', 'Trax Urban', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header5', 'catalog_trx_teaser5,', 'Welcome to the Urban Trax Store! With hip hop beats and RnB vocals, this is the section for every city bopper  to indulge in.', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('44', '0', '1', 'Trophies', 'Pokaler', 'ctlg_trophies', 'catalog_trophies_headline1', '', 'Alle er vinnere!! Nå kan du dele ut gull, sølv og bronse i form av våre flotte, skinnende pokaler.', 't1:Det du skriver, er permanent! Det kan ikke endres på i fremtiden.', null, null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('45', '0', '7', 'Christmas', 'Julen', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_xmas_headline1', 'catalog_xmas_teaser,', 'Julemøblene er ute i katalogen - det er vinter, det er kaldt og snart er det jul. Man møter familie, bekjente og gode venner og spiser god mat! Her har du alt du trenger for en perfekt julemiddag!', 's:2:Reis inn til jula!', 'Velg produkt:', '');
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('46', '0', '7', 'Easter', 'PÃ¥ske', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_easter_headline1', 'catalog_easter_teaser1,', '\'Egg\'cellent furni - Bouncing bunnies, fluffy chicks, choccy eggs... Yep, it\'s Easter! Celebrate with something \'eggs\'tra special from our Easter range. But hurry - it\'s not here for long this year!', 's:2: \'Egg\'-Tastic!', 'Click on an item for more details.', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('47', '0', '7', 'Halloween', 'Halloween', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_halloween_headline1', 'catalog_halloween_teaser,', 'Yes, it\'s a spookfest! Get your boney hands on our creepy collection of ghoulish goodies. But be quick - they\'ll be gone from the Catalogue after two weeks!', 's:2:Halloween is My day!', 'Click on an item to see a bigger version of it!', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('48', '0', '7', 'Love', 'Kjærlighet', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_love_headline1', 'catalog_love_teaser1,', 'Det er romantisk!', 's:2:Er ikke Kris og Kenneth romantisk?', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('51', '0', '7', 'Mode Colour', 'Mode Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_mode_headline1', 'catalog_mode_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Mode Collection...  Steely grey functionality combined with sleek designer upholstery. The Habbo that chooses this furniture is a cool urban cat - streetwise, sassy and so slightly untouchable.', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('50', '0', '7', 'Iced Colour', 'Iced Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_iced_headline1', 'catalog_iced_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Iced Collection...  For the Habbo who needs no introduction. It\'s so chic, it says everything and nothing. It\'s a blank canvas, let your imagination to run wild!', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('49', '0', '7', 'Area Colour', 'Area Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_area_headline1', 'catalog_area_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Area Collection...  Clean, chunky lines set this collection apart as a preserve of the down-to-earth Habbo. It\'s beautiful in its simplicity, and welcoming to everyone.', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('52', '0', '7', 'Pura Colour', 'Pura Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_pura_headline1', 'catalog_pura_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Pura Collection...  This collection breathes fresh, clean air and cool tranquility. The Pura Waltzer has arrived!  Check back regularly to see  new colours of Pura on sale!', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('53', '0', '7', 'Romantique Colour', 'Romantique - Farger', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_romantique_headline1', 'catalog_rom_teaser,', 'Endelig Valentine! Her er det fargerikt!', 's:Mange flere farger!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('54', '0', '2', 'Club Furni', 'Habrox Club', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_club_headline1', 'catalog_hc_teaser,', 'Kun for HC!', 's:Ekstremt kongelige!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('55', '0', '7', 'Club Shop', 'Klubb Shop', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_club_headline1', 'catalog_hc_teaser,', 'Her handler alle medlemmene av Habrox Klubb!', 's:Er du medlem? Go!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('56', '0', '7', 'Dragons', 'Drager', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_jap_headline2', 'catalog_jap_teaser3,', 'Makten til dragene er enorm! Flammer...varme....mystikk...IKKE GI UT DISSE SANDRA ;)', 's:1: Kun for ADMIN!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('57', '0', '7', 'Fans', 'Vifter', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'ALDRI gi ut disse i konkurranser eller andre brukere. Men bruk dem gjerne til eget privatbruk ;)', 's:Kris vet hva du tenker!!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('58', '0', '7', 'Ice Cream Rare', 'Ice Cream Machines', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('59', '0', '7', 'Inflatables', 'Inflatables', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details', null);
INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('60', '0', '7', 'Laser Gates', 'Laser Gates', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details', null);
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INSERT INTO catalogue_pages VALUES ('65', '0', '7', 'Pillow Rare', 'Puter', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'ALDRI gi ut disse i konkurranser eller andre brukere. Men bruk dem gjerne til eget privatbruk ;)', 's:Kris vet hva du tenker!', 'Velg produkt:', null);
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1933', 'Kurv til kjæledyr', 'Et mykt sted', '8', '34', '20', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1934', 'Kurv til kjæledyr', 'Et mykt sted', '8', '35', '20', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1935', 'Kurv til kjæledyr', 'Et mykt sted', '8', '36', '20', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1936', 'Doggy Bones', 'Natural nutrition for the bark', '9', '37', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1937', 'Sardines', 'Fresh catch of the day', '9', '38', '2', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1941', 'Sardiner', 'Fersk fangst fra i går (næring', '9', '42', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1942', 'Kål', 'Sundt og grønt! (næring 325)', '9', '43', '1', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1946', 'Gul vannbolle', 'Ubegrenset vann', '9', '47', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1947', 'Blå vannbolle', 'Ubegrenset vann', '9', '48', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1948', 'Brun vannbolle', 'Ubegrenset vann', '9', '49', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1949', 'Sjokolademus', 'Gourmetmat til kjæledyr (nærin', '9', '50', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1950', 'Marsipan mann', 'Knasende hundesnacks (næring 1', '9', '51', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1951', 'Marsipan mann', 'Knasende hundegodis (næring 10', '9', '52', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1952', 'Marsipan mann', 'Knasende hundegodis (næring 10', '9', '53', '1', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1954', 'Gummiball', 'spretten!', '9', '55', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1955', 'Gummiball', 'spretten!', '9', '56', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1956', 'Gummiball', 'spretten!', '9', '57', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1957', 'Gummiball', 'spretten!', '9', '58', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1958', 'Arabisk Bord', 'Plass til alle vennene dine', '10', '59', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1959', 'Grønn Blomstret Stol', 'Med farvestrålende blomster mø', '10', '60', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1960', 'Skillevegg i utskåret sedertre', 'Håndlaget og i østens fineste ', '10', '61', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1961', 'Grønn Blomstret Pute', 'Med farvestrålende blomster mø', '10', '62', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1962', 'Berber Kelim Teppe', 'Arabisk design med orientalske', '10', '63', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1963', 'Dekorativ Urne', 'Ikke til å leke med', '10', '64', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1964', 'Arabisk Sverd', 'Fekt som Alibaba', '10', '65', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1965', 'Arabisk Tebord', 'Fremstillt i Palestina-provins', '10', '66', '8', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1966', 'Rundt Tebord', 'Tebord på hjul med glassplate', '10', '67', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1967', 'Brett med Tekanne', 'Dekk bordet med ditt fineste p', '10', '68', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1968', 'Brett med Lys', 'Blaffrende stearinlys', '10', '69', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1969', 'Brett med Godterier', 'Arabiske godter i flotte farge', '10', '70', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1970', 'Fruktfat', '5 om dagen er sundt for maven!', '10', '71', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1971', 'Arabisk Vindusramme', 'Begrenser innfallet av lys', '10', '72', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1972', 'Brett med Lys', 'Blaffrende stearinlys', '10', '73', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1973', 'Trax Alhambra 1', '', '10', '74', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1974', 'Trax Alhambra 2', '', '10', '75', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1975', 'Trax Alhambra 3', '', '10', '76', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1976', 'Marble tile', '', '10', '77', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1977', 'Brown tile', '', '10', '78', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1978', 'Master Skrivebord', 'For alle lærde Habboer', '11', '79', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1979', 'Dobbeltseng', 'Enkel og grei x2', '11', '80', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1980', 'Enkeltseng', 'Enkel og grei', '11', '81', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1981', 'Bokhylle', 'For ting og tang', '11', '82', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1982', 'To seters sofa', 'Undervurdert komfort med puter', '11', '83', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1983', 'Lenestol', 'Stor', '11', '84', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1984', 'Lite bord', 'Et koselig lite bord', '11', '85', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1985', 'Port (kan låses)', 'Form følger funksjon', '11', '86', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1986', 'Skjerm', '5 stykker stilig seksjonering', '11', '87', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1987', 'Hjørnehylle', 'Fint og ryddig med 5 hjørnehyl', '11', '88', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1988', 'Spisestol', 'Hold det enkelt', '11', '89', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1989', 'Minisafe', 'Helt og fullt skuddsikker!', '11', '90', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1990', 'Barstol', 'Praktisk og Stilig', '11', '91', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1991', 'Salongbord', 'Fint og beskjedent', '11', '92', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1992', 'Lykkehjulet', 'Ta sjansen og se om det bringe', '68', '93', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1993', 'Digital TV', 'vær oppdatert', '68', '94', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1994', 'Stor TV', 'For hele familien', '12', '95', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1995', 'Bærbar TV', 'Ikke gå glipp av såpeoperaene', '12', '96', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1996', 'Blokk med klistrelapper', 'Blokk med klistrelapper', '12', '97', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1997', 'Pizza boks', 'Din frekke Habbo', '12', '98', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1998', 'Tomme bokser', 'Er du også en slask?', '12', '99', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('1999', 'Tom', ' snurrende flaske', '12', '100', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2000', 'Holo-terning', 'Hva er lykketallet ditt?', '12', '101', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2001', 'Julekake', 'Ikke spis for mye!', '12', '102', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2002', 'Menorah Lys', 'Lys opp rommet ditt', '12', '103', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2003', 'Tax-Free Hunny Bunny', 'Kose-kose!', '12', '104', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2004', 'Mummy', 'Beware the curse...', '12', '105', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2005', '3 hvite lys', 'Hyggelig julebelysning', '12', '106', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2006', '3 røde lys', 'Hyggelig julebelysning', '12', '107', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2007', 'Skinkestek', 'Ã…h', '12', '108', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2008', 'Lert', 'La det stå til.', '12', '109', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2009', 'Gul Veisperre', 'Uvedkommende ingen adgang!', '12', '110', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2010', 'Hvit Veisperre', 'Stopp Rasismen!', '12', '111', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2011', 'Rød Veisperre', 'Uvedkommende ingen adgang!', '12', '112', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2012', 'Classic Traffic Light', 'Chill and wait your turn!', '12', '113', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2013', 'Blue Traffic Light', 'Chill and wait your turn!', '12', '114', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2014', 'Purple Traffic Light', 'Chill and wait your turn!', '12', '115', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2015', 'Yellow Traffic Light', 'Chill and wait your turn!', '12', '116', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2016', 'White Traffic Light', 'Chill and wait your turn!', '12', '117', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2017', 'Red Traffic Light', 'Chill and wait your turn!', '12', '118', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2018', 'Drageskjerm', 'Din egen Kinesiske Mur', '13', '119', '8', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2019', 'Drageskjermhjørne', 'Majestetisk Sving på Skjermen ', '13', '120', '8', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2020', 'Kinesisk Bokhylle', 'Holder på alle hodets skatter', '13', '121', '8', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2021', 'Kinesisk Bord', 'Perfekt for kinesisk te-party', '13', '122', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2022', 'Kinesisk Stol', 'Elegant tradisjon', '13', '123', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2023', 'Calligraphy poster', 'chinese calligraphy', '13', '124', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2024', 'Red knots poster', 'whish you luck', '13', '125', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2025', 'Kinesiske Røde Knuter', 'Velg din velsignelse!', '13', '126', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2026', 'Kinesisk Lampe', 'Mykt og stemningsfullt lys til', '13', '127', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2027', 'Boblebad', 'Din skitne Habbo...', '14', '128', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2028', 'Vask', 'Varmt og kaldt vann', '14', '129', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2029', 'Gummi and', 'Alle som bader trenger en!', '14', '130', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2030', 'Toalett', 'Blått og godt. Husk og trekk n', '14', '131', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2031', 'Toalett', 'Rødt og bløtt. Husk og trekk n', '14', '132', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2032', 'Toalett', 'Gult er kult. Husk og trekk ne', '14', '133', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2033', 'Blå Gulvfliser', 'Funky fliser til gulvet!', '14', '134', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2034', 'Rosa Gulvfliser', 'Funky fliser til gulvet!', '14', '135', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2035', 'Gule Gulvfliser', 'Funky fliser til gulvet!', '14', '136', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2036', 'Rosa Modebar', 'Fem flotte rosa modebarer', '15', '137', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2037', 'Rosa Modehjørne', 'Rosa Modehjørne', '15', '138', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2038', 'Rosa ModedQr', 'Rosa ModedQr p? tilbud', '15', '139', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2039', 'Lenestol', 'Tenk rosa', '15', '140', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2040', 'To seters sofa', 'Romantisk rosa for to', '15', '141', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2041', 'Bjørneteppe. Falsk pels!', 'Søt Bjørn:)', '15', '142', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2042', 'Enkeltseng', 'Kos deg i prinsesse-rosa', '15', '143', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2043', 'Dobbeltseng', 'Kos deg i prinsesse-rosa', '15', '144', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2044', 'Kamera', 'Smil!', '16', '145', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2045', 'Film', 'Film for five photos', '16', '146', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2046', 'Union Jack', 'The UK flag', '17', '147', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2047', 'Jolly Roger', 'For pirates everywhere', '17', '148', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2048', 'The Stars and Stripes', 'The US flag', '17', '149', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2049', 'The Swiss flag', 'There\'s no holes in this...', '17', '150', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2050', 'The Bundesflagge', 'The German flag', '17', '151', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2051', 'The Maple Leaf', 'The Canadian flag', '17', '152', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2052', 'The flag of Finland', 'To \'Finnish\' your decor...', '17', '153', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2053', 'The French Tricolore', 'The French flag', '17', '154', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2054', 'The Spanish flag', 'The flag of Spain', '17', '155', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2055', 'The Jamaican flag', 'The flag of Jamaica', '17', '156', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2056', 'The Italian flag', 'The flag of Italy', '17', '157', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2057', 'The Dutch flag', 'The flag of The Netherlands', '17', '158', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2058', 'The Irish flag', 'The flag of Ireland', '17', '159', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2059', 'The Australian flag', 'Aussies rule!', '17', '160', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2060', 'The EU flag', 'Be proud to be in the Union!', '17', '161', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2061', 'The Swedish flag', 'Waved by Swedes everywhere', '17', '162', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2062', 'The English flag', 'Eng-er-land', '17', '163', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2063', 'The Scottish flag', 'Where\'s your kilt?', '17', '164', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2064', 'The Welsh flag', 'A fiery dragon for your wall', '17', '165', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2065', 'The Rainbow Flag', 'Every colour for everyone', '17', '166', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2066', 'Flag of Brazil', 'Ordem e progresso', '17', '167', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2067', 'The flag of Japan', 'The flag of Japan', '17', '168', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2068', 'The flag of India', 'The flag of India', '17', '169', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2069', 'Comedy Poster', 'The Noble and Silver Show', '18', '170', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2070', 'Carrot Plaque', 'Take pride in your veg!', '18', '171', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2071', 'Fish Plaque', 'Smells fishy, looks cool', '18', '172', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2072', 'Bear Plaque', 'Fake of course!', '18', '173', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2073', 'Duck Poster', 'Quacking good design!', '18', '174', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2074', 'Abstract Poster', 'But is it the right way up?', '18', '175', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2075', 'Hammer Cabinet', 'For emergencies only', '18', '176', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2076', 'Habbo Colours', 'Habbos come in all colours', '18', '177', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2077', 'Rainforest Poster', 'Do your bit for the environmen', '18', '178', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2078', 'Lapland Poster', 'Beautiful sunset', '18', '179', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2079', 'Certificate', 'I obey the Habbo way!', '18', '180', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2080', 'Lapland Poster', 'a beautiful sunset', '18', '181', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2081', 'BW Skyline Poster', 'Arty black and white', '18', '182', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2082', 'Fox Poster', 'A cunning painting', '18', '183', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2083', 'Himalayas Poster', 'Marvellous mountains', '18', '184', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2084', 'Bars', 'Added security', '18', '185', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2085', 'Butterfly Cabinet 1', 'Beautiful reproduction butterf', '18', '186', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2086', 'Butterfly Cabinet 2', 'Beautiful reproduction butterf', '18', '187', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2087', 'Hole In The Wall', 'Trying to get in or out?', '18', '188', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2088', 'Siva Poster', 'The Auspicious One', '18', '189', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2089', 'Save the Panda', 'We can\'t bear to lose them', '18', '190', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2090', 'Scamme\'d', 'Habbo-punk for the never-agree', '18', '191', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2091', 'The Habbo Babes 1', 'The Hotel\'s girlband. Dream on', '18', '192', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2092', 'The Habbo Babes 2', 'The Hotels girlband. Dream on!', '18', '193', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2093', 'The Habbo Babes 3', 'The Hotels girlband. Dream on!', '18', '194', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2094', 'Smiling Headbangerz', 'For really TOUGH Habbos!', '18', '195', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2095', 'Screaming Furnies', 'The rock masters of virtual mu', '18', '196', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2096', 'Bonnie Blonde', 'The one and only. Adore her!', '18', '197', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2097', 'Habbo Golden Record', 'For the best music-makers', '18', '198', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2098', 'Tree on the beach', 'Relaxing scene', '18', '199', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2099', 'Twilight trofee', 'Twillight trofee', '127', '200', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2100', 'Prince Charles Poster', 'even walls have ears', '18', '201', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2101', 'Queen Mum Poster', 'aw, bless...', '18', '202', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2102', 'UK Map', 'get the lovely isles on your w', '18', '203', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2103', 'Eid Mubarak Poster', 'Celebrate with us', '18', '204', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2104', 'Johnny Squabble', 'The muscly movie hero', '18', '205', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2105', 'Hoot Poster', 'The eyes follow you...', '18', '206', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2106', 'Suomen kartta', 'Suomen kartta', '18', '207', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2107', 'SeinNightitititititdiskotappaj', 'Perinteinen ryijy,', '18', '208', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2108', 'Urho Kaleva Kekkonen', 'Presidentin muotokuva', '18', '209', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2109', 'Dodgy Geezer', 'Would you trust this man?', '18', '210', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2110', 'Rasta Poster', 'irie!', '18', '211', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2111', 'DJ Throne', 'He is the magic Habbo', '18', '212', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2112', 'The Father Of Habbo', 'The legendary founder of the H', '18', '213', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2113', 'Habbo Leap Day Poster', 'Once every four Habbo years!', '18', '214', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2114', '0', 'Glasshylle', '19', '215', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2115', 'Glassofa', 'Glassofa', '19', '216', '4', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2117', 'Glasstol', 'null', '19', '218', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2118', 'Glasskrakk', 'Glasskrakk', '19', '219', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2119', 'Plexisofa', 'TÃ¥ler vekten av ALLE dine venn', '19', '220', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2120', 'Plexibord', 'Press ansiktet mot bordplaten!', '19', '221', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2121', 'Plexistol', 'Husk bukse før du setter deg ;', '19', '222', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2122', 'Plexikrakk', 'Godt for holdningen!', '19', '223', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2123', 'Glass sofa', 'Glassofa', '19', '224', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2124', 'Hvitt Plexibord', 'Glatt og enkelt!', '19', '225', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2125', 'Glasstol', 'Glasstol', '19', '226', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2126', 'Glasskrakk', 'Glasskrakk', '19', '227', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2127', 'Glass sofa', 'Glassofa', '19', '228', '4', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2129', 'Glasstol', 'Glasstol', '19', '230', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2130', 'Glasskrakk', 'Glasskrakk', '19', '231', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2132', 'Glassbord', 'Glassbord', '19', '233', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2133', 'Glasstol', 'Glasstol', '19', '234', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2134', 'Glasskrakk', 'Glasskrakk', '19', '235', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2135', 'Glass sofa', 'Glassofa', '19', '236', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2136', 'Glassbord', 'Glassbord', '19', '237', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2137', 'Glasstol', 'Glasstol', '19', '238', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2141', 'Glasstol', 'Glasstol', '19', '242', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2144', 'Glassbord', 'Glassbord', '19', '245', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2145', 'Glasstol', 'Glasstol', '19', '246', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2146', 'Glasskrakk', 'Glasskrakk', '19', '247', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2147', 'Glass sofa', 'Glassofa', '19', '248', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2148', 'Glassbord', 'Glassbord', '19', '249', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2149', 'Glasstol', 'Glasstol', '19', '250', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2150', 'Glasskrakk', 'Glasskrakk', '19', '251', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2151', 'Gotisk Trone i kongerødt', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '252', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2152', 'Gotisk Sofa i kongerødt', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '253', '7', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2153', 'Gotisk Stol i kongerødt', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '254', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2154', 'Brostensgrunn', 'Perfekt for ethvert slott', '20', '255', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2155', 'Fangehull', 'Tør du vite hva som gjemmer se', '20', '256', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2156', 'Gotisk Bankettbord', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '257', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2157', 'Gotisk Gjerde', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '258', '8', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2158', 'Gotisk Fakkel', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '259', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2159', 'Gotisk Fontene', 'Habbos helende eliksir!', '20', '260', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2160', 'Gotisk Kandelaber', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '261', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2161', 'Gotisk Slottsport', 'Habbos mørke side', '20', '262', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2162', 'Industriell Vifte', 'Med storm i kastene!', '20', '263', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2163', 'Brennede tønne', 'Holder deg varm i kulden.', '21', '264', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2164', 'Grunge benk', 'Benk deg fast.', '21', '265', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2165', 'Grunge lys', 'Lyser opp og gir varme hos gar', '21', '266', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2166', 'Grungestol', 'Alternativ stol for alternativ', '21', '267', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2167', 'Grungemadrass', 'Alternativ seng for alternativ', '21', '268', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2168', 'Grungeradiator', 'Alternativ varme for alternati', '21', '269', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2169', 'Grungereol', 'Alternativ reol for alternativ', '21', '270', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2170', 'Grungeskilt', 'Alternativ dekorasjon for alte', '21', '271', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2171', 'Grungebord', 'Alternativt bord for alternati', '21', '272', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2172', 'Bronsepenge', 'Verdt 1 HabboMynt', '22', '273', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2173', 'Sølvpenge', 'Verdt 5 HabboMynter', '22', '274', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2174', 'Gullpenge', 'Verdt 10 HabboMynter', '22', '275', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2175', 'Pengesekk', 'Verdt 20 HabboMynter', '22', '276', '20', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2176', 'Gullbarre', 'Verdt 50 HabboMynter', '22', '277', '50', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2177', 'Bronsepenge (China)', 'Verdt 10 HabboMynter', '22', '278', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2178', 'Sølvpenge (China)', 'Verdt 50 HabboMynter', '22', '279', '50', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2179', 'Gullpenge (China)', 'Verdt 100 HabboMynter', '22', '280', '100', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2180', 'Pengesekk (China)', 'Verdt 200 HabboMynter', '22', '281', '200', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2181', 'Gullbarre (China)', 'Verdt 500 HabboMynter', '22', '282', '500', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2182', 'Regissørstol', 'Ingen filmskaper kan overleve ', '23', '283', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2183', 'Rope Divider', 'Rope Divider', '23', '284', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2184', 'spot light', '', '23', '285', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2185', 'Theatre Seat', 'It\'s a Theatre Seat', '23', '286', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2186', 'Rare icecream white', 'Basic model', '23', '287', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2187', 'habw_mirror', 'ouch', '23', '288', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2188', 'Stella tile', '', '23', '289', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2189', 'Stol', 'Veldig &QUOTE&Chic&QUOTE&;)', '24', '290', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2190', 'Benk', 'Plass til to', '24', '291', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2191', 'Kaffebord', 'Elegant inngravert', '24', '292', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2192', 'Bokhylle', 'For ting og tang', '24', '293', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2193', 'Sofa', 'Design for?', '24', '294', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2194', 'Sofa', 'Se hva som skjer!', '24', '295', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2195', 'Is bar/benk', 'Fem sterke', '24', '296', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2196', 'Icedhjørne', 'Så blir det ekstra pent!', '24', '297', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2197', 'Dør (kan låses)', 'Ikke gå igjennom...', '24', '298', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2198', 'Iced Lukker', 'Perfekt som persienne og dør!', '24', '299', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2200', 'Bambus', 'Viltvoksende og eksotisk!', '25', '301', '25', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2210', 'Hokusai', 'Japansk poster', '25', '311', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2211', 'Sushi tunfisk', 'Et brett takk!', '25', '312', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2212', 'Sushi Blekksprut', 'Et rull takk!', '25', '313', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2213', 'Sushi Kaviar', 'En rull takk!', '25', '314', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2214', 'Sushi_sjøpinnsvinn', 'Et brett takk!', '25', '315', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2215', 'Sushi Egg', 'En rull takk!', '25', '316', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2216', 'Sushi_makrell', 'Et brett takk!', '25', '317', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2217', 'Dobbeltseng', 'Kingsize furu komfort', '26', '318', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2218', 'HyttedQr', '', '26', '319', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2219', 'Peis', 'Autentisk', '26', '320', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2220', 'Bardisk', 'NÃ¥r du trenger en ekstra skuld', '26', '321', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2221', 'Spisebord', 'For uformelle middager', '26', '322', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2222', 'Benk', 'For å fullføre middags-settet', '26', '323', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2223', 'Enkeltseng', 'Rustikk sjarm for ', '26', '324', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2224', 'Hyttehjørne', 'Solid treverk', '26', '325', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2225', 'Hyttegjerde', 'Nostalgisk og koselig', '26', '326', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2226', 'Bokhylle', 'For alle historier på fire sid', '26', '327', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2227', 'Tønne Minibar', 'En tønne med latter og et flot', '26', '328', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2228', 'Tønne stol', 'Det ultimate resirkulerte møbe', '26', '329', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2229', 'Bordlampe', 'Omsluttende lyssetting er esse', '26', '330', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2230', 'Hyttelys', 'Voks lyrikk med gammel sjarm', '26', '331', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2231', 'Lite bord', 'Praktiskt og vakkert', '26', '332', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2232', 'Krakk', 'Rustikk sjarm på sitt beste', '26', '333', '1', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2235', 'Modepeis', 'Varm glede fra stilrent stål', '27', '336', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2236', 'Toseters sofa', 'Komfort for stilige par', '27', '337', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2237', 'Lenestol', 'Komfort fra loftet', '27', '338', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2238', 'Minibar', 'Din frekke Habbo!', '27', '339', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2239', 'Dør (låsbar)', 'Her kommer du ikke forbi! ;)', '27', '340', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2240', 'Bar/bord', 'Fem barer eller bord', '27', '341', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2241', 'Modehjørne', '5 flotte hjørner. En flott sch', '27', '342', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2258', 'Tax-Free Frukt tre', 'SQt frukt til en sQt Habbo', '29', '359', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2362', 'Strandstol', 'Hvil med god samvittighet!', '-1', '463', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2363', 'Hagekar', 'Grønt er skjønt!', '-1', '464', '25', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2419', 'Poengtavle', '...for å se hvordan du ligger ', '37', '520', '6', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2422', 'Basketballbane', 'Still opp med&QUOTE& slam\'dunk', '37', '523', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2519', 'Snowman Poster', 'A new use for carrots!', '45', '620', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2522', 'Santa Poster Poster', 'The jolly fat man himself', '45', '623', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2524', 'Reindeer Poster', 'Doing a hard night\'s work', '45', '625', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2525', 'Stocking', 'Hung yours up yet?', '45', '626', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2526', 'Holly Garland', 'Deck the halls!', '45', '627', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2527', 'Tinsel (silver)', 'A touch of festive sparkle', '45', '628', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2528', 'Tinsel (gold)', 'A touch of festive sparkle', '45', '629', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2529', 'Mistletoe', 'Pucker up', '45', '630', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2531', 'Small silver star', 'Twinkle, twinkle', '45', '632', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2532', 'Large gold star', 'All that glitters...', '45', '633', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2533', 'Large silver star', 'All that glitters...', '45', '634', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2534', 'Gammelt juletre', 'Er julen over allerede??', '-1', '635', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2535', 'Dødt Tre', 'Creepy Stemning', '45', '636', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2536', 'Juletre 1', 'Så går vi rundt om en enebærbu', '45', '637', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2537', 'Juletre 2', 'Er det noen presanger under?', '45', '638', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2538', 'Juletre 3', 'O Jul med din glede!', '45', '639', '6', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2541', 'Kalkunstek', 'Her skal ingen gå sultne!', '45', '642', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2542', 'Pepperkakehus', 'Det ser godt ut...', '45', '643', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2543', 'Spist Pepperkakehus', 'Det var godt', '45', '644', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2544', 'Sjokopudding', 'Puddingfjell av sjokolade med ', '45', '645', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2547', 'Blå hyasint', 'Vakker pære', '45', '648', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2548', 'Julestjerne', 'Da var det God Jul;)', '45', '649', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2551', 'Wannabe hare', 'Jaja', '46', '652', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2552', 'Pop-opp egg', 'Skikkelig POPulært;)', '46', '653', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2553', 'Kurv med egg', 'Ingen påske uten egg!', '46', '654', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2554', 'Tax-Free Hunny Bunny', 'Kose-kose!', '46', '655', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2555', 'Gresskarlampe', 'Gløder skummelt', '47', '656', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2556', 'Spiderweb', 'Not something you want to run ', '47', '657', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2557', 'Chains', 'Shake, rattle and roll!', '47', '658', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2558', 'Hodeskalle lysestake', 'Også kjent som stakkars Yorric', '47', '659', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2559', 'Skeleton', 'Needs a few more Habburgers', '47', '660', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2560', 'Mummy', 'Beware the curse...', '47', '661', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2561', 'And-Rea', 'Blodig alvor...', '47', '662', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2562', 'Skjellettdokka Anda', 'Noen glemte å mate meg...', '47', '663', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2563', 'And-Ers', 'Gørr og guffe!', '47', '664', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2564', 'Bat Poster', 'flap, flap, screech, screech..', '47', '665', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2565', 'Jolly Roger', 'For pirates everywhere', '47', '666', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2566', 'Spist skinkestek', 'Ser ut som du kom for sent!', '47', '667', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2567', 'Habboween gravkammer', 'Ikke for sarte sjeler', '47', '668', '5', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2569', 'Heksekjele', 'Klikk og få en morsom overrask', '47', '670', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2570', 'Gravsted', 'Skrekk og gru fra graven', '47', '671', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2571', 'Hjertesofa', 'Perfekt ? kose seg p', '48', '672', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2572', 'Amorstatuett', 'Pass opp for pilene!', '48', '673', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2573', 'Enormt hjerte', 'Full av kjærlighet', '48', '674', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2574', 'Tax-Free Valentines ender', 'Han er kjærligheten selv', '48', '675', '2', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2630', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '49', '731', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2631', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '49', '732', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2632', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '49', '733', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2633', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '49', '734', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2634', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '49', '735', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2635', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '49', '736', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2636', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '49', '737', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2637', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '49', '738', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2638', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '49', '739', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2639', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '49', '740', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2640', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '49', '741', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2641', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '49', '742', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2642', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '50', '743', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2643', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '50', '744', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2644', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '50', '745', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2645', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '50', '746', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2646', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '50', '747', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2647', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco book', '50', '748', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2648', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '50', '749', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2649', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '50', '750', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2650', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '50', '751', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2651', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '50', '752', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2652', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '50', '753', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2653', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '50', '754', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2654', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '50', '755', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2655', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '50', '756', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2656', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '50', '757', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2657', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '50', '758', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2658', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco book', '50', '759', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2659', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '50', '760', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2660', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '50', '761', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2661', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '50', '762', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2662', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '50', '763', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2663', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '50', '764', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2664', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '50', '765', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2665', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '50', '766', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2666', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '50', '767', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2667', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '50', '768', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2668', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '50', '769', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2669', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '50', '770', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2670', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '50', '771', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2671', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '50', '772', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2672', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '50', '773', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2673', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco book', '50', '774', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2674', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '50', '775', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2675', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '50', '776', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2676', 'Pute', 'Pute', '98', '777', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2677', 'Huske', 'Huske', '98', '778', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2678', 'Bollytre', 'Bollytre', '98', '779', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2679', 'Hjerter', 'Hjerter', '98', '780', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2680', 'Business hylle', 'Business hylle', '72', '781', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2681', 'Trendy lampe', 'Moderne og funky lampe', '72', '782', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2682', 'Taklampe', 'F? litt lys p? kontoret', '72', '783', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2683', 'Kubelys', 'Et must til de store sjefene', '72', '784', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2684', 'Vannfall p? veggen', 'F? litt ekstra stemning p? kon', '72', '785', '2', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2685', 'Gult Modehj?rne', 'Gult Modehj?rne', '51', '786', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2686', 'Gul Modebar', 'Gul Modebar', '51', '787', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2687', 'Gul Moded?r', 'Gul Moded?r', '51', '788', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2688', 'Gul Mode Lenestol', 'Gul Mode Lenestol', '51', '789', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2689', 'Gul Modesofa', 'Gul Modesofa', '51', '790', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2690', 'Gul Mode Enkeltseng', 'Gul Mode Enkeltseng', '51', '791', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2691', 'Basseng 1', 'Chill & Relax', '68', '792', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2692', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '50', '793', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2693', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '50', '794', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2694', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '50', '795', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2695', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '50', '796', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2696', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '50', '797', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2697', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '50', '798', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2698', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '50', '799', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2699', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco book', '50', '800', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2700', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '50', '801', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2701', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '50', '802', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2702', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '50', '803', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2703', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '50', '804', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2704', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '50', '805', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2705', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '50', '806', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2706', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '50', '807', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2707', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '50', '808', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2708', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '50', '809', '4', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2709', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '50', '810', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2710', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco book', '50', '811', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2711', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '50', '812', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2715', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '50', '816', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2776', 'Hvit Puramodul 3', 'Et møbelbyggesett!', '52', '877', '2', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('2851', 'Oljelampe', 'Er den ikke strålende?', '54', '952', '10', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3032', 'Noob Chair', 'Noob Chair', '70', '1133', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3033', 'Noob Chair', 'Noob Chair', '70', '1134', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3044', 'Noob Rug', 'Noob Rug', '70', '1145', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3075', 'Snømann del 2/3', 'Andre del av den fantastiske s', '125', '1176', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3083', 'Isvegg', 'Holder isslottet oppe og samme', '73', '1184', '5', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3087', 'postbank Safe', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '12', '1188', '5', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3103', 'Rosa Teddybjørn', 'Myk luksus til kjæresten din e', '82', '1204', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3107', 'Blå Teddy Bjørn', 'Fluffy luksus til kjæresten di', '82', '1208', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3144', 'Japansk Tehytte', 'Fordi grønn te er godt for hel', '79', '1245', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3149', 'Grisehode i stråbolle', 'Mørt og tja....godt?', '74', '1250', '3', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3170', 'Gnomen', 'September 2008', '79', '1271', '15', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3181', 'Tilbehør til maten', 'Et must til maten!', '78', '1282', '5', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3374', 'Gronn Elefant!', 'Gronn!!!', '68', '1475', '25', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3487', 'Habboween lysekrone', 'Følsom overfor vind og dårlige', '113', '1588', '6', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3490', 'Halloween slottsvegg', 'Hva skjuler seg på den andre s', '113', '1591', '6', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3617', 'Rød julekule', 'Håndlaget dekorasjon', '125', '1718', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3618', 'Blå julekule', 'Håndlaget dekorasjon', '125', '1719', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3619', 'Grønn julekule', 'Håndlaget dekorasjon', '125', '1720', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3620', 'Gul julekule', 'HÃ¥ndlaget dekorasjon', '125', '1721', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3621', 'Kakaomaskin', 'Ingenting er bedre på en kald', '125', '1722', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3622', 'Basseng 2', 'Chill & Relax', '68', '1723', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3623', 'Snømann del 3/3', 'Tredje del av den fantastiske ', '125', '1724', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3624', 'Lang benk', 'Med plass til hele Habroxfamil', '125', '1725', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3625', 'Heisen!', 'Magic Doorway to anywhere!', '68', '1726', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3626', 'Skog', 'Masse skog..', '125', '1727', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3627', 'Julepynt', 'Pynt ivei..', '125', '1728', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3628', 'Julecandy', 'Mmmm..', '125', '1729', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3629', 'Julestrømpe', 'Henger fra peisen..', '125', '1730', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3630', 'Heis', 'Magic Doorway to anywhere!', '68', '1731', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3631', 'Heisen!', 'Magic Doorway to anywhere!', '94', '1732', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3632', 'Heisen!', 'Magic Doorway to anywhere!', '68', '1733', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3633', 'Heisen!', 'Magic Doorway to anywhere!', '38', '1734', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3634', 'Heisen!', 'Magic Doorway to anywhere!', '38', '1735', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3635', 'Heisen!', 'Magic Doorway to anywhere!', '38', '1736', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3636', 'Icey', 'En liten bit ute - inne...', '125', '1737', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3637', 'Blomstervegg', 'Blomstervegg', '117', '1738', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3638', 'Blomstervulkan', 'Blomstervulkan', '117', '1739', '12', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3639', 'Blomsterbusk', 'Blomsterbusk', '117', '1740', '8', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3640', 'Blomsterfrø', 'Blomsterfrø', '117', '1741', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3641', 'Orkideer', 'Orkideer', '117', '1742', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3642', 'Mursu blomst 4', 'Mursu blomst 4', '117', '1743', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3643', 'Mursu blomst 2', 'Mursu blomst 2', '117', '1744', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3644', 'Mursu blomst 3', 'Mursu blomst 3', '117', '1745', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3645', 'Mursu blomst', 'Mursu blomst', '117', '1746', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3646', 'Sjelden blomst 5', 'Sjelden blomst 5', '117', '1747', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3647', 'Sjelden blomst 4', 'Sjelden blomst 4', '117', '1748', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3648', 'Sjelden blomst 3', 'Sjelden blomst 3', '117', '1749', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3649', 'Sjelden blomst 2', 'Sjelden blomst 2', '117', '1750', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3650', 'Sjelden blomst', 'Sjelden blomst', '117', '1751', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3651', 'Vannliljer', 'Vannliljer', '117', '1752', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3652', 'Gylden blomst', 'Gylden blomst', '117', '1753', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3653', 'Jungelplante', 'Jungelplante', '117', '1754', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3654', 'Blomstertele', 'Blomstertele', '117', '1755', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3655', 'Blåklokke', 'Blåklokke', '117', '1756', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3656', 'Blomst3', 'Blomst3', '117', '1757', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3657', 'Blomst2', 'Blomst2', '117', '1758', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3658', 'Blomst1', 'Blomst1', '117', '1759', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3659', 'Mist', 'Mist', '68', '1760', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3660', 'Twilight Piano', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1761', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3661', 'Twilight Table', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1762', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3662', 'Twilight Divider', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1763', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3663', 'Twilight ToolBox', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1764', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3664', 'Twilight Tower', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1765', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3665', 'Twilight Fountain', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1766', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3666', 'Twilight Roses', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1767', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3667', 'Twilight Chair', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1768', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3668', 'Twilight Crest', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1769', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3669', 'Twilight Wall', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1770', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3670', 'Twilight Wall', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1771', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3671', 'Twilight Paint', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1772', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3672', 'Twilight Dreamcatcher', 'Out of the new Film', '127', '1773', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3673', 'Halloween Window', '', '127', '1774', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3674', 'Hvit lys', 'Hvit lys', '115', '1775', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3675', 'Stort hvit lys', 'Stort hvit lys', '115', '1776', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3676', 'Rødt lys', 'Rødt lys', '115', '1777', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3677', 'Stort rødt lys', 'Stort rødt lys', '115', '1778', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3678', 'Blått lys', 'Blått lys', '115', '1779', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3679', 'Stort blått lys', 'Stort blått lys', '115', '1780', '5', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3682', 'Lysplante', 'Lysplante', '115', '1783', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3683', 'Chillstol', 'Chillstol', '115', '1784', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3684', 'Fjellstein', 'Fjellstein', '115', '1785', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3685', 'Stein', 'Stein', '115', '1786', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3686', 'Chillvegg', 'Chillvegg', '115', '1787', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3687', 'Flagg Belgia', 'Flagg Belgia', '17', '1788', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3688', 'Flagg Portugal', 'Flagg Portugal', '17', '1789', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3689', 'Garnier', 'Garnier', '115', '1790', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3690', 'Asteroide', 'Asteroide', '115', '1791', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3691', 'Vindu', 'Vindu', '127', '1792', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3692', 'Gjerde', 'Gjerde', '127', '1793', '5', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3696', 'Penguin wrestler', 'Penguin wrestler', '116', '1797', '5', '0');
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INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3698', 'Penguin sumo', 'Penguin sumo', '116', '1799', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3699', 'Penguin superhelt', 'Penguin superhelt', '116', '1800', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3700', 'Penguin ski', 'Penguin ski', '116', '1801', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3701', 'Penguin dress', 'Penguin dress', '116', '1802', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3702', 'Penguin skater', 'Penguin skater', '116', '1803', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3703', 'Penguin rocker', 'Penguin rocker', '116', '1804', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3704', 'Penguin pirat', 'Penguin pirat', '116', '1805', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3705', 'Penguin punker', 'Penguin punker', '116', '1806', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3706', 'Penguin robot', 'Penguin robot', '116', '1807', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3707', 'Penguin pilot', 'Penguin pilot', '116', '1808', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3708', 'Penguin ninja', 'Penguin ninja', '116', '1809', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3709', 'Penguin musketeer', 'Penguin musketeer', '116', '1810', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3710', 'Penguin tryllekunstner', 'Penguin tryllekunstner', '116', '1811', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3711', 'Penguin gal', 'Penguin gal', '116', '1812', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3712', 'Penguin ishockey', 'Penguin ishockey', '116', '1813', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3713', 'Penguin ballet', 'Penguinballet', '116', '1814', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3714', 'Penguin original', 'Penguin Original', '116', '1815', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3715', 'Penguin bokser', 'Penguin bokser', '116', '1816', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3716', 'Penguin kanin', 'Penguin kanin', '116', '1817', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3717', 'Penguin klovn', 'Penguin klovn', '116', '1818', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3718', 'Penguin elefant', 'Penguin elefant', '116', '1819', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3719', 'Penguin lysende', 'Penguin lysende', '116', '1820', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3720', 'Penguin rar', 'Penguin rar', '116', '1821', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3721', 'SnQutsikt', 'brrr', '116', '1822', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3722', 'Isbord', 'iskaldt', '116', '1823', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3723', 'Isteleport', 'brrr', '116', '1824', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3724', 'Trofee', '2008', '116', '1825', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3725', 'Isstein', 'brr', '116', '1826', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3726', 'Isgeysir', 'brr', '116', '1827', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3727', 'Ishull', 'dypt', '116', '1828', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3728', 'Isstamp', 'brr', '116', '1829', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3729', 'Ismatte', 'brr', '116', '1830', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3730', 'Istre', 'brr', '116', '1831', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3731', 'Isvegg', 'brr', '116', '1832', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3732', 'Islanterne', 'brr', '116', '1833', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3733', 'Istårn', 'brr', '116', '1834', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3734', 'Isgjerde', 'brrr', '116', '1835', '5', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3735', 'Vodoo dukke', 'Skummelt..', '68', '1836', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3736', 'Plante', 'Plante', '68', '1837', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3737', 'Mammut sofa ', '', '68', '1838', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3738', 'Ironmaiden', 'Spyd...pigger...', '68', '1839', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3739', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '49', '1840', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3740', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '49', '1841', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3741', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '49', '1842', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3742', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '49', '1843', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3743', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '49', '1844', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3744', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '49', '1845', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3745', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '49', '1846', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3746', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '49', '1847', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3747', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '49', '1848', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3748', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '49', '1849', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3749', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '49', '1850', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3750', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '49', '1851', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3751', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '49', '1852', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3752', 'Hjørne', 'Hjørne', '98', '1853', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3753', 'Elefantstatue', 'Enestående!', '98', '1854', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3754', 'Apelampe', 'Ohohoh..', '98', '1855', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3755', 'Grønn port', 'Grønn port', '98', '1856', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3756', 'Lampe', 'Lampe', '98', '1857', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3757', 'Gjerde', 'Gjerde', '98', '1858', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3758', 'Vase', 'Vase', '98', '1859', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3759', 'Brun matte', 'Brun matte', '98', '1860', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3760', 'Bord', 'Bord', '98', '1861', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3761', 'Gul port', 'Gul port', '98', '1862', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3762', 'Fontene', 'Masse vann..', '98', '1863', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3763', 'Palme', 'Palme', '98', '1864', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3764', 'Lysebrun matte', 'Lysebrun matte', '98', '1865', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3765', 'Rosa port', 'Rosa port', '98', '1866', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3766', 'Vindu', 'Vindu', '98', '1867', '15', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3767', 'Violet R?ykmaskin', 'Retro enkelhet', '84', '1868', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3768', 'Kj?kkend?r', 'D?ren til mathimmelen', '121', '1869', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3769', 'Kj?kkenvegg', 'T?ler s?ling', '121', '1870', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3770', 'Stekeovn', 'Med god temperaturm?ler', '121', '1871', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3771', 'Knivholder', 'Her kan du plassere alt fra kj', '121', '1872', '3', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3772', 'lt_stone2', 'lt_stone2', '104', '1873', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3773', 'LT_throne', 'LT_throne', '104', '1874', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3774', 'audChr name', 'audChr desc', '102', '1875', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3775', 'lt_patch', '', '104', '1876', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3776', 'lt lava corner', 'lt lava corner', '104', '1877', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3777', 'LT_pillar2', 'LT_pillar2', '104', '1878', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3778', 'lt_bughill', 'lt_bughill', '104', '1879', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3779', 'noticeboard name', 'noticeboard desc', '68', '1880', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3780', 'clrack name', 'clrack desc', '68', '1881', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3781', 'lt_stage1', 'lt_stage1', '104', '1882', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3782', 'diner_poster name', 'diner_poster desc', '78', '1883', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3783', 'lt_jngl_wall', 'lt_jngl_wall', '104', '1884', '6', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3784', 'VIP Bar', 'Her kan du få de beste drikke', '118', '1885', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3785', 'Basseng', 'Et lite basseng for badet..', '68', '1886', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3786', 'VIP Teleport', 'Utrolig kjapp..', '99', '1887', '25', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3787', 'VIP Lampe', 'Liten lampe for viktige person', '112', '1888', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3788', 'VIP Teppe', 'Eklusivt..', '112', '1889', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3789', 'VIP Statue', 'Gull statue..', '112', '1890', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3790', 'VIP Bord', 'Flott bord for veldig viktige ', '112', '1891', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3791', 'VIP Sofa', 'Behagelig og komfortabelt..', '112', '1892', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3792', 'VIP Lounge-bord', 'Luksus..', '112', '1893', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3793', 'VIP Hjørne', 'Smart design..', '112', '1894', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3794', 'VIP Bar', 'Beste drikkevarene..', '112', '1895', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3795', 'VIP Barbenk', 'Designet er vakkert..', '112', '1896', '10', '0');
INSERT INTO catalogue_products VALUES ('3796', 'Bilde', 'heheheehe', '12', '1897', '1', '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `club_subscriptions`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `club_subscriptions`;
CREATE TABLE `club_subscriptions` (
  `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `lastcheck` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `daysremaining` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
  `remainingperiods` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
  `periodspassed` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`userid`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of club_subscriptions
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO club_subscriptions VALUES ('0', '21.10.2010 16:20:17', '127', '25', '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `console_friends`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `console_friends`;
CREATE TABLE `console_friends` (
  `senderid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `receiverid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `accepted` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of console_friends
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO console_friends VALUES ('2', '1', '1');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `console_mail`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `console_mail`;
CREATE TABLE `console_mail` (
  `id` int(15) NOT NULL,
  `fromid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `toid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `message` text NOT NULL,
  `time` varchar(30) NOT NULL

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of console_mail
-- ----------------------------

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `furniture`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `furniture` (
  `id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The ID of this item',
  `tid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The template ID of this item',
  `ownerid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The ID of the user that owns this item',
  `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The room ID the item is in. If it''s 0, then it''s in the hand of OWNERID, if it''s -1, then it''s in a present and not opened yet, if it''s -2, then it''s in the Recycler',
  `x` smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The X of the item in a room',
  `y` smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The Y of the item in a room',
  `z` smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The Z [rotation] of the item in a room',
  `h` double(4,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT 'The H [height, double] of the item in a room',
  `var` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci COMMENT 'The variable of the item, specifying it''s turned on/off etc, :S',
  `wallpos` varchar(200) COLLATE latin1_general_ci DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Wallitems only. The location on the wall where the item is',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `roomid` (`roomid`),
  KEY `tid` (`tid`),
  KEY `ownerid` (`ownerid`,`roomid`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of furniture
-- ----------------------------

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `furniture_templates`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `furniture_templates`;
CREATE TABLE `furniture_templates` (
  `type` enum('soundset','stickie','teleporter','dimmer','door','decoration') COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `typeid` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `length` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `width` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `top` double(4,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
  `sprite` varchar(110) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `colour` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `tradeable` enum('0','1') COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `recycleable` enum('0','1') COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `door` enum('0','1') COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `revision` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `typeid` (`typeid`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of furniture_templates
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1883', '', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', 'diner_poster', '', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1884', '', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', 'lt_jngl_wall', '', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1885', '', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', 'pub_bar', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1886', '', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', 'bath_pool', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1887', '', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', 'ExecutiveTele', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1888', '', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', 'lamp_egypt', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1889', '', '4', '3', '5', '0.00', 'egypt_crpt', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1890', '', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', 'egypt_sphnx', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1891', '', '1', '1', '1', '0.70', 'egypt_tbl', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1892', '', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', 'egypt_sofa', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1893', '', '1', '3', '1', '1.10', 'egypt_cat_tbl', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1894', '', '1', '1', '1', '0.80', 'egypt_crnr', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1895', '', '1', '1', '1', '0.80', 'bar_egypt', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1896', '', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', 'egypt_bar', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO furniture_templates VALUES ('1897', '', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', 'photo', '', '1', '1', '0', '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `fuserights`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fuserights`;
CREATE TABLE `fuserights` (
  `rank` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`name`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of fuserights
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO fuserights VALUES ('1', 'fuse_default');
INSERT INTO fuserights VALUES ('3', 'fuse_receive_calls_for_help');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `habbos`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `habbos` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `figure` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `poolfigure` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `gender` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `motto` varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `consolemotto` varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `mail` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `birth` varchar(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `session` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `credits` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `tickets` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `films` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `rank` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `lastvisit` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`name`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of habbos
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO habbos VALUES ('1', 'AWA', '1000118001265012850121001', '', 'M', 'Project Chop!', '', 'a@a.com', '01.01.1990', '', 'awa123', '1000', '0', '0', '5', '28.01.2011 13:03');
INSERT INTO habbos VALUES ('2', 'Adun', '1000118001265012850121001', '', 'M', 'Project Chop!', '', 'a@a.com', '01.01.1990', '', 'adun123', '1000', '0', '0', '5', '16.01.2011 11:23');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `rooms`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `rooms` (
  `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  `description` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
  `password` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `owner` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `showowner` enum('1','0') NOT NULL,
  `category` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '6',
  `state` enum('2','1','0') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `floorid` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `wallid` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `model` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `allrights` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `casts` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `minrank` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `maxvisitors` int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '25',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of rooms
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('101', 'Welcome Lounge', 'welcome_lounge', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'newbie_lobby', '0', 'hh_room_nlobby', '1', '35');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('103', 'The Theatre', 'theatredrome', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'theater', '0', 'hh_room_theater', '1', '80');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('102', 'Lido I', 'habbo_lido', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'pool_a', '0', 'hh_room_pool,hh_people_pool', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('117', 'The Library of BobbaWorld', 'library', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'library', '0', 'hh_room_library', '1', '20');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('105', 'Sunset Cafe', 'sunset_cafe', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'sunset_cafe', '0', 'hh_room_sunsetcafe', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('107', 'Lido II', 'habbo_lido_ii', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'pool_b', '0', 'hh_room_pool,hh_people_pool', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('106', 'Dirty Duck Pub', 'the_dirty_duck_pub', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'pub_a', '0', 'hh_room_pub', '1', '35');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('108', 'Great Port of BobbaWorld', 'floatinggarden', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'floatinggarden', '0', 'hh_room_floatinggarden', '1', '30');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('109', 'Rooftop Rumble Pool I', 'rooftop_rumble', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'md_a', '0', 'hh_room_terrace,hh_paalu,hh_people_pool,hh_people_paalu', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('124', 'Dusty Lounge', 'dusty_lounge', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'dusty_lounge', '0', 'hh_room_dustylounge', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('120', 'Infobus Park', 'park', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'park_a', '0', 'hh_room_park_uk,hh_room_park', '1', '30');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('122', 'Sakura Square', 'gate', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'gate_park', '0', 'hh_room_gate_park', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('114', 'Olympic Stadium', 'ballroom', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'ballroom', '0', 'hh_room_ballroom', '1', '35');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('115', 'The Dudesons Picnic Area', 'picnic_dudesons', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'picnic', '0', 'hh_room_picnic_dudesons', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('116', 'Space Cafe', 'space_cafe', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'space_cafe', '0', 'hh_room_space_cafe', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('118', 'The Beauty Salon', 'beauty_salon_general', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'beauty_salon0', '0', 'hh_room_beauty_salon_general', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('119', 'Sun Terrace', 'sun_terrace', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'sun_terrace', '0', 'hh_room_sun_terrace', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('121', 'Zen Garden', 'chill/0', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'chill', '0', 'hh_room_chill', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('123', 'Rooftop Rumble Pool II', 'rooftop_rumble2', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'md_a', '0', 'hh_room_terrace,hh_paalu,hh_people_pool,hh_people_paalu', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('125', 'The Den', 'the_den', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'cr_staff', '0', 'hh_room_den', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('126', 'Halloween Theatredrome', 'theatredrome_halloween', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'theater', '0', 'hh_room_theater_halloween', '1', '80');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('129', 'Easter Theatredrome', 'theatredrome_easter', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'theater', '0', 'hh_room_theater_easter', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('130', 'Habbowood Theatredrome', 'theatredrome_hbwood', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'theater', '0', 'hh_room_theater_hbowood', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('134', 'Christmas Theatredrome', 'theatrexmas', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'theater', '0', 'hh_room_theater_xmas', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('133', 'Valentine Theatredrome', 'theatrevalentine', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'theater', '0', 'hh_room_theater_valentine', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('135', 'Rooftop Cafe - Outside', 'rooftop', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'rooftop', '0', 'hh_room_rooftop', '1', '40');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('137', 'Tea Rooms', 'tearoom', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'tearoom', '0', 'hh_room_tearoom', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('136', 'Rooftop Cafe - Inside', 'rooftop_2', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'rooftop_2', '0', 'hh_room_rooftop', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('138', 'Cafe Ole', 'cafe_ole', '', '', '1', '3', '0', '0', '0', 'taivas_cafe', '0', 'hh_room_cafe', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('139', 'Gallery Cafe', 'ericseaterie', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'cr_cafe', '0', 'hh_room_erics', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('140', 'Main Lobby', 'mainlobby', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'lobby_a', '0', 'hh_room_lobby', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('141', 'Sky Lobby', 'skylobby', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'floorlobby_c', '0', 'hh_room_floorlobbies', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('142', 'Lido I (Calippo)', 'habbo_lido', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'pool_a', '0', 'hh_room_pool_calippo,hh_people_pool', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('143', 'Lido II (Calippo)', 'habbo_lido_ii', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '4', 'pool_b', '0', 'hh_room_pool_calippo,hh_people_pool', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('149', 'Old Skool', 'oldskool', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'old_skool0', '0', 'hh_room_old_skool', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('144', 'Median Lobby', 'medianlobby', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'floorlobby_b', '0', 'hh_room_floorlobbies', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('145', 'Basement Lobby', 'basementlobby', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'floorlobby_a', '0', 'hh_room_floorlobbies', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('147', 'Habbo Cinema', 'habbocinema', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'cinema_a', '0', 'hh_room_cinema', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('148', 'Gym', 'sport', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'sport', '0', 'hh_room_sport', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('151', 'Chromz Nightclub', 'chromz', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'malja_bar_a', '0', 'hh_room_disco', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('150', 'Old Skool - Room 2', 'oldskool', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'old_skool1', '0', 'hh_room_old_skool', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('154', 'Dance Floor', 'clubmassiva2', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bar_b', '0', 'hh_room_bar', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('152', 'Chromz Nightclub - Room 2', 'chromz', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'malja_bar_b', '0', 'hh_room_disco', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('153', 'Chill Out Room', 'clubmassiva', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bar_a', '0', 'hh_room_bar', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('156', 'Habburgers (Burger King)', 'habburger', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'habburger', '0', 'hh_room_habburger_king', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('155', 'Habburgers', 'habburger', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'habburger', '0', 'hh_room_habburger', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('157', 'Chill Out Room (Postbank)', 'clubmassiva', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bar_a', '0', 'hh_room_bar_postbank', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('158', 'Dance Floor (Postbank)', 'clubmassiva2', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bar_b', '0', 'hh_room_bar_postbank', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('159', 'Slice Of Life', 'pizza', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'pizza', '0', 'hh_room_pizza', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('160', 'The Infobus', 'park', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'park_b', '0', 'hh_room_park_general,hh_room_park', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('161', 'Picnic Park', 'picnic', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'picnic', '0', 'hh_room_picnic', '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('162', 'Beginner BattleBall', 'bb_lobby_beginner_0', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bb_lobby_1', '0', 'hh_game_bb,hh_game_bb_room,hh_game_bb_ui,hh_gamesys', '1', '20');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('163', 'Amateur BattleBall', 'bb_lobby_amateur_0', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bb_lobby_1', '0', 'hh_game_bb,hh_game_bb_room,hh_game_bb_ui,hh_gamesys', '1', '20');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('164', 'Intermediate BattleBall', 'bb_lobby_intermediate_0', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bb_lobby_1', '0', 'hh_game_bb,hh_game_bb_room,hh_game_bb_ui,hh_gamesys', '1', '20');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('165', 'Expert BattleBall', 'bb_lobby_expert_0', '', '', '1', '7', '0', '0', '0', 'bb_lobby_1', '0', 'hh_game_bb,hh_game_bb_room,hh_game_bb_ui,hh_gamesys', '1', '20');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('1464', 'awa', 'lololo', '', 'AWA', '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', 'model_a', '0', null, '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('1465', 'sdsfs', null, null, 'AWA', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'model_c', '0', null, '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('1466', 'sdfsdfds', '', '', 'AWA', '1', '4', '0', '0', '0', 'model_a', '0', null, '1', '25');
INSERT INTO rooms VALUES ('1467', 'LOLZ', '', '', 'AWA', '1', '6', '0', '0', '0', 'model_a', '0', null, '1', '25');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `room_categories`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `room_categories`;
CREATE TABLE `room_categories` (
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `type` enum('2','0') NOT NULL,
  `mincreaterank` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
  `minviewrank` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
  `trading` enum('1','0') NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `parent` int(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of room_categories
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO room_categories VALUES ('6', 'No Category', '2', '1', '1', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO room_categories VALUES ('3', 'Public rooms', '0', '7', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_categories VALUES ('4', 'Flats', '2', '1', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_categories VALUES ('5', 'Test', '2', '1', '1', '1', '4');
INSERT INTO room_categories VALUES ('7', 'More publics!', '0', '7', '1', '0', '3');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `room_modeldata`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `room_modeldata`;
CREATE TABLE `room_modeldata` (
  `modelID` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `model` varchar(100) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `roomomatic_subscr_only` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `door_x` int(3) NOT NULL,
  `door_y` int(3) NOT NULL,
  `door_h` int(3) NOT NULL,
  `door_z` int(1) NOT NULL,
  `heightmap` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `publicroom_items` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci,
  `swimmingpool` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `specialcast_emitter` varchar(15) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `specialcast_interval` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `specialcast_rnd_min` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `specialcast_rnd_max` int(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`modelID`,`model`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of room_modeldata
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('43', 'model_a', '0', '3', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('44', 'model_b', '0', '0', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx0000000\rxxxxx0000000\rxxxxx0000000\rxxxxx0000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('45', 'model_c', '0', '4', '7', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('46', 'model_d', '0', '4', '7', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('47', 'model_e', '0', '1', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('48', 'model_f', '0', '2', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxx0000x\rxxxxxxx0000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rx0000000000x\rx0000000000x\rx0000000000x\rx0000000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('49', 'model_g', '0', '1', '7', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('50', 'model_h', '0', '4', '4', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('51', 'model_i', '0', '0', '10', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('52', 'model_j', '0', '0', '10', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('53', 'model_k', '0', '0', '13', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('54', 'model_l', '0', '0', '16', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
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INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('67', 'pub_a', '0', '15', '25', '0', '6', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rxxxxx31111112222222000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'S191 pub_sofa2 19 1 1 4 1\r\ns201 pub_sofa 20 1 1 4 2\r\ns211 pub_sofa 21 1 1 4 2\r\nq112 bardesk1 11 2 2 0 1\r\nc122 pub_chair 12 2 2 6 2\r\nQ113 bardesk2 11 3 2 0 1\r\nq114 bardesk1 11 4 2 0 1\r\nc124 pub_chair 12 4 2 6 2\r\nQ115 bardesk2 11 5 2 0 1\r\nf185 pub_fence 18 5 2 1 1\r\nq116 bardesk1 11 6 2 0 1\r\nc126 pub_chair 12 6 2 6 2\r\nf186 pub_fence 18 6 2 0 1\r\nQ117 bardesk2 11 7 2 0 1\r\nf187 pub_fence 18 7 2 0 1\r\nq118 bardesk1 11 8 2 0 1\r\nc128 pub_chair 12 8 2 6 2\r\nf188 pub_fence 18 8 2 0 1\r\nw109 bardesk4 10 9 2 0 1\r\nW119 bardesk3 11 9 2 0 1\r\nf189 pub_fence 18 9 2 0 1\r\nf1810 pub_fence 18 10 2 0 1\r\nC211 pub_chair2 2 11 3 4 2\r\nC311 pub_chair2 3 11 3 4 2\r\nC511 pub_chair2 5 11 3 4 2\r\nC611 pub_chair2 6 11 3 4 2\r\nf811 pub_fence 8 11 3 1 1\r\nf1811 pub_fence 18 11 2 0 1\r\nf812 pub_fence 8 12 3 0 1\r\nf1812 pub_fence 18 12 2 0 1\r\nf813 pub_fence 8 13 3 0 1\r\nC913 pub_chair2 9 13 2 2 2\r\nk1413 pub_chair3 14 13 2 2 2\r\nT1513 pub_table2 15 13 2 1 1\r\nk1613 pub_chair3 16 13 2 6 2\r\nf1813 pub_fence 18 13 2 0 1\r\nf814 pub_fence 8 14 3 2 1\r\nC914 pub_chair2 9 14 2 2 2\r\nk1414 pub_chair3 14 14 2 2 2\r\nT1514 pub_table2 15 14 2 2 1\r\nk1614 pub_chair3 16 14 2 6 2\r\nf1814 pub_fence 18 14 2 0 1\r\nt115 pub_table 1 15 3 0 1\r\nf515 pub_fence 5 15 3 1 1\r\nf1815 pub_fence 18 15 2 0 1\r\nS116 pub_sofa2 1 16 3 2 2\r\nf516 pub_fence 5 16 3 0 1\r\nf1816 pub_fence 18 16 2 0 1\r\ns117 pub_sofa 1 17 3 2 2\r\nf517 pub_fence 5 17 3 0 1\r\nk1317 pub_chair3 13 17 2 4 2\r\nk1417 pub_chair3 14 17 2 4 2\r\nk1517 pub_chair3 15 17 2 4 2\r\nk1617 pub_chair3 16 17 2 4 2\r\nf1817 pub_fence 18 17 2 0 1\r\ns118 pub_sofa 1 18 3 2 2\r\nf518 pub_fence 5 18 3 0 1\r\nT1318 pub_table2 13 18 2 5 1\r\nT1418 pub_table2 14 18 2 6 1\r\nT1518 pub_table2 15 18 2 6 1\r\nT1618 pub_table2 16 18 2 4 1\r\nf1818 pub_fence 18 18 2 0 1\r\ns219 pub_sofa 2 19 3 0 2\r\nS319 pub_sofa2 3 19 3 0 2\r\nf519 pub_fence 5 19 3 0 1\r\nk1319 pub_chair3 13 19 2 0 2\r\nk1419 pub_chair3 14 19 2 0 2\r\nk1519 pub_chair3 15 19 2 0 2\r\nk1619 pub_chair3 16 19 2 0 2\r\nf1819 pub_fence 18 19 2 0 1\r\nf120 pub_fence 1 20 3 5 1\r\nf220 pub_fence 2 20 3 6 1\r\nf320 pub_fence 3 20 3 6 1\r\nf420 pub_fence 4 20 3 6 1\r\nf520 pub_fence 5 20 3 3 1\r\nf1820 pub_fence 18 20 2 0 1\r\nS721 pub_sofa2 7 21 1 4 2\r\ns821 pub_sofa 8 21 1 4 2\r\nf1221 pub_fence 12 21 2 5 1\r\nf1321 pub_fence 13 21 2 6 1\r\nf1421 pub_fence 14 21 2 6 1\r\nf1521 pub_fence 15 21 2 6 1\r\nf1621 pub_fence 16 21 2 6 1\r\nf1721 pub_fence 17 21 2 6 1\r\nf1821 pub_fence 18 21 2 3 1\r\nS622 pub_sofa2 6 22 1 2 2\r\nt1522 pub_table 15 22 0 0 1\r\nC1622 pub_chair2 16 22 0 4 2\r\nC1722 pub_chair2 17 22 0 4 2\r\ns623 pub_sofa 6 23 1 2 2\r\nT823 pub_table2 8 23 1 1 1\r\ns624 pub_sofa 6 24 1 2 2\r\nT824 pub_table2 8 24 1 0 1\r\ns625 pub_sofa 6 25 1 2 2\r\nT825 pub_table2 8 25 1 2 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
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'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxx22222xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r22xxxxxxxxxxxxx22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r2222222222222222222x222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222xxx222222222222222222222222\r2222222222xx33x22222222222222222222222\r222222222xx3333x2222222222222222222222\r222222222x333333x222222222222222222222\r222222222x333333x222222222222222222222\r2222222222x3332x2222222222222222222222\r22222222222x33x22222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222x22222xxxx22222222222222222222\r22222222222222xxxx22222222222222222222\r22222222222222xxx222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r', 'h107 hedge7 10 7 2 4 1\r\nh117 hedge7 11 7 2 4 1\r\nh127 hedge7 12 7 2 4 1\r\nh137 hedge7 13 7 2 4 1\r\ny147 hedge8 14 7 2 4 1\r\ns187 hedge2 18 7 2 4 1\r\nh197 hedge7 19 7 2 4 1\r\nh207 hedge7 20 7 2 4 1\r\nh217 hedge7 21 7 2 4 1\r\nz148 hedge9 14 8 2 4 1\r\nz188 hedge9 18 8 2 4 1\r\nv39 hedge5 3 9 2 4 1\r\nz310 hedge9 3 10 2 4 1\r\nc1211 picnic_dummychair1 12 11 3 4 2\r\nc1311 picnic_dummychair1 13 11 3 4 2\r\nc1411 picnic_dummychair1 14 11 100000 4 2\r\nc1013 picnic_dummychair1 10 13 3 2 2\r\nc1513 picnic_dummychair1 15 13 3 6 2\r\nb2113 picnic_ground 21 13 2 4 2\r\nb714 picnic_ground 7 14 2 4 2\r\nc1014 picnic_dummychair1 10 14 3 2 2\r\nc1514 picnic_dummychair1 15 14 3 6 2\r\nb1915 picnic_ground 19 15 2 2 2\r\nb2315 picnic_ground 23 15 2 6 2\r\nb516 picnic_ground 5 16 2 2 2\r\nb916 picnic_ground 9 16 2 6 2\r\nL2016 picnic_cloth1 20 16 2 2 1\r\nL617 picnic_cloth1 6 17 2 2 1\r\nb2117 picnic_ground 21 17 2 0 2\r\nb718 picnic_ground 7 18 2 0 2\r\na019 picnic_redbench2 0 19 2 2 2\r\nA020 picnic_redbench1 0 20 2 2 2\r\nw1120 hedge6 11 20 2 4 1\r\nh1220 hedge7 12 20 2 4 1\r\nh1320 hedge7 13 20 2 4 1\r\nt1420 hedge3 14 20 2 4 1\r\nu1720 hedge4 17 20 2 4 1\r\nh1820 hedge7 18 20 2 4 1\r\nh1920 hedge7 19 20 2 4 1\r\ny2020 hedge8 20 20 2 4 1\r\nv1121 hedge5 11 21 2 4 1\r\nM1221 picnic_bench1 12 21 2 4 2\r\nN1321 picnic_bench2 13 21 2 4 2\r\nO1421 picnic_bench3 14 21 2 4 2\r\nM1721 picnic_bench1 17 21 2 4 2\r\nN1821 picnic_bench2 18 21 2 4 2\r\nO1921 picnic_bench3 19 21 2 4 2\r\nv2021 hedge5 20 21 2 4 1\r\na022 picnic_redbench2 0 22 2 2 2\r\nv1122 hedge5 11 22 2 4 1\r\nv2022 hedge5 20 22 2 4 1\r\nb2522 picnic_ground 25 22 2 4 1\r\nA023 picnic_redbench1 0 23 2 2 2\r\nv1123 hedge5 11 23 2 4 1\r\nM1223 picnic_bench1 12 23 2 2 2\r\nM1923 picnic_bench1 19 23 2 6 2\r\nv2023 hedge5 20 23 2 4 1\r\nc624 picnic_dummychair1 6 24 2 4 2\r\nd724 picnic_dummychair4 7 24 2 4 2\r\ne824 picnic_dummychair6 8 24 2 4 2\r\nv1124 hedge5 11 24 2 4 1\r\nN1224 picnic_bench2 12 24 2 2 2\r\nN1924 picnic_bench2 19 24 2 6 2\r\nv2024 hedge5 20 24 2 4 1\r\nb2324 picnic_ground 23 24 2 2 2\r\nb2724 picnic_ground 27 24 2 6 2\r\nK525 picnic_stump 5 25 2 2 2\r\nv1125 hedge5 11 25 2 4 1\r\nN1225 picnic_bench2 12 25 2 2 2\r\nN1925 picnic_bench2 19 25 2 6 2\r\nv2025 hedge5 20 25 2 4 1\r\nG2425 picnic_cloth2 24 25 2 2 1\r\nK726 picnic_stump 7 26 2 0 2\r\nv1126 hedge5 11 26 2 4 1\r\nO1226 picnic_bench3 12 26 2 2 2\r\nH1426 picnic_fireplace1 14 26 2 0 1\r\nI1626 picnic_fireplace2 16 26 2 2 1\r\nO1926 picnic_bench3 19 26 2 6 2\r\nv2026 hedge5 20 26 2 4 1\r\nb2526 picnic_ground 25 26 2 0 1\r\nz1127 hedge9 11 27 2 4 1\r\nQ1227 picnic_lemonade 12 27 2 4 1\r\nz2027 hedge9 20 27 2 4 1\r\nE829 picnic_firewood2 8 29 2 0 1\r\na030 picnic_redbench2 0 30 2 2 2\r\nD830 picnic_firewood1 8 30 2 0 1\r\nA031 picnic_redbench1 0 31 2 2 2\r\nD831 picnic_firewood1 8 31 2 0 1\r\nM1231 picnic_bench1 12 31 2 4 2\r\nN1331 picnic_bench2 13 31 2 4 2\r\nO1431 picnic_bench3 14 31 2 4 2\r\nM1831 picnic_bench1 18 31 2 4 2\r\nN1931 picnic_bench2 19 31 2 4 2\r\nO2031 picnic_bench3 20 31 2 4 2\r\nf2731 picnic_carrot 27 31 2 0 1\r\nf2831 picnic_carrot 28 31 2 0 1\r\nf2931 picnic_carrot 29 31 2 0 1\r\nf3031 picnic_carrot 30 31 2 0 1\r\nf3131 picnic_carrot 31 31 2 0 1\r\nD832 picnic_firewood1 8 32 2 0 1\r\nF1232 picnic_table2 12 32 2 2 1\r\nP1432 picnic_table 14 32 2 2 1\r\nF1832 picnic_table2 18 32 2 2 1\r\nP2032 picnic_table 20 32 2 2 1\r\nr333 hedge1 3 33 2 4 1\r\nD833 picnic_firewood1 8 33 2 0 1\r\nM1233 picnic_bench1 12 33 2 0 2\r\nN1333 picnic_bench2 13 33 2 0 2\r\nO1433 picnic_bench3 14 33 2 0 2\r\nM1833 picnic_bench1 18 33 2 0 2\r\nN1933 picnic_bench2 19 33 2 0 2\r\nO2033 picnic_bench3 20 33 2 0 2\r\ng2733 picnic_cabbage 27 33 2 0 1\r\ng2833 picnic_cabbage 28 33 2 0 1\r\ng2933 picnic_cabbage 29 33 2 0 1\r\nv334 hedge5 3 34 2 4 1\r\nD834 picnic_firewood1 8 34 2 0 1\r\nv335 hedge5 3 35 2 4 1\r\nD835 picnic_firewood1 8 35 2 0 1\r\nv336 hedge5 3 36 2 4 1\r\nD836 picnic_firewood1 8 36 2 0 1\r\nD837 picnic_firewood1 8 37 2 0 1\r\nM1237 picnic_bench1 12 37 2 4 2\r\nN1337 picnic_bench2 13 37 2 4 2\r\nO1437 picnic_bench3 14 37 2 4 2\r\nM1837 picnic_bench1 18 37 2 4 2\r\nN1937 picnic_bench2 19 37 2 4 2\r\nO2037 picnic_bench3 20 37 2 4 2\r\nD838 picnic_firewood1 8 38 2 0 1\r\nF1238 picnic_table2 12 38 2 2 1\r\nP1438 picnic_table 14 38 2 2 1\r\nF1838 picnic_table2 18 38 2 2 1\r\nP2038 picnic_table 20 38 2 2 1\r\nJ839 picnic_firewood3 8 39 2 0 1\r\nM1239 picnic_bench1 12 39 2 0 2\r\nN1339 picnic_bench2 13 39 2 0 2\r\nO1439 picnic_bench3 14 39 2 0 2\r\nM1839 picnic_bench1 18 39 2 0 2\r\nN1939 picnic_bench2 19 39 2 0 2\r\nO2039 picnic_bench3 20 39 2 0 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('70', 'park_a', '0', '2', '15', '0', '6', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x00xxxxxxxxxxx0x000xxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000000000000xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000000000000xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000000000xxxxxx\rxxxxxxx00000000000000000000000000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000000000000xxxx\rxxxxxxx0000000000000000000000000000000000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000000000000xx\r00000000000000000000xx00000000000000000000xx\r0000000000000000000xxxx00000000000xxxxxxx0xx\r0000000000000000000xxxx00000000000x00000xxxx\rxxxxx00x0000000000xxxxx0xxxxxx0000x0000000xx\rxxxxx0000000000000xxxxx0xx000x0000x000000xxx\rxxxxx0000000000000xxxxx0x000000000x00000xxxx\rxxxxx000000x0000000xxxx0x000000000xxx00xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x0000000xxx00xxx000000x0000xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x000000xxxx0x0000000000000xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x000000011100000000000000xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x00000001110000000000000xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx00x0000000111x00000000x00xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxx0x0000000xxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxx00xxxxx00xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx0xx000x00xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx0x000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx0x00000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx00xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'L89 bench2 8 9 0 4 2\r\nK99 bench 9 9 0 4 2\r\nL711 bench2 7 11 0 2 2\r\nK712 bench 7 12 0 2 2\r\nL3516 bench2 35 16 0 2 2\r\nL3716 bench2 37 16 0 4 2\r\nK3816 bench 38 16 0 4 2\r\nK3517 bench 35 17 0 2 2\r\nL2718 bench2 27 18 0 4 2\r\nK2818 bench 28 18 0 4 2\r\nL3518 bench2 35 18 0 2 2\r\nL2519 bench2 25 19 0 2 2\r\nK3519 bench 35 19 0 2 2\r\nK2520 bench 25 20 0 2 2\r\nL2529 bench2 25 29 0 4 2\r\nK2629 bench 26 29 0 4 2\r\nL2330 bench2 23 30 0 2 2\r\nK2331 bench 23 31 0 2 2', '0', '', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('71', 'park_b', '0', '11', '2', '0', '6', '0000x0000000\r0000xx000000\r000000000000\r00000000000x\r000000000000\r00x0000x0000\r', 'C00 cornerchair2 0 0 0 4 2\r\nB10 cornerchair1 1 0 0 4 2\r\nA20 chair1 2 0 0 4 2\r\nA30 chair1 3 0 0 4 2\r\nH50 table1 5 0 0 4 1\r\nE60 chair1line 6 0 0 4 2\r\nA70 chair1 7 0 0 4 2\r\nF80 chair1frontend 8 0 0 4 2\r\nJ100 hububar 10 0 0 4 1\r\nB01 cornerchair1 0 1 0 2 2\r\nA02 chair1 0 2 0 2 2\r\nA03 chair1 0 3 0 2 2\r\nA04 chair1 0 4 0 2 2\r\nF05 chair1frontend 0 5 0 2 2\r\nI35 table2 3 5 0 4 1\r\nD55 modchair 5 5 0 0 2\r\nI85 table2 8 5 0 4 1', '0', '', '1', '0', '0');
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INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('73', 'ballroom', '0', '13', '6', '0', '0', 'xxxx4444444444444444444\r\nxxxx4444444444444444444\r\nxxxx4444444444444444444\r\nxxxx33x2222444442222x33\r\nxxxx2222222x00xx2222222\r\nxxxx22222220000x2222222\r\nxxxx11x0000x000x0000x11\r\nxxxx0000000000000000000\r\n11100000000000000000000\r\n11100000000000000000000\r\n11100000000000000000000\r\nxxxx0000000000000000000\r\n22210000000000000000000\r\n22210000000000000000000\r\n22210000000000000000000\r\nxxxx0000000000000000000\r\n11100000000000000000000\r\n11100000000000000000000\r\n11100000000000000000000\r\nxxxxx000x11111111x0000x\r\nxxxxxx00x1111x111x000xx\r\nxxxxxxx0x11111111x00xxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx11111111x0xxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxxxx \r\n', 'j40 broom_bench1 4 0 4 4 2\r\nk50 broom_bench2 5 0 4 4 2\r\nl60 broom_bench3 6 0 4 4 2\r\nj70 broom_bench1 7 0 4 4 2\r\nk80 broom_bench2 8 0 4 4 2\r\nk90 broom_bench2 9 0 4 4 2\r\nl100 broom_bench3 10 0 4 4 2\r\nj110 broom_bench1 11 0 4 4 2\r\nk120 broom_bench2 12 0 4 4 2\r\nk130 broom_bench2 13 0 4 4 2\r\nk140 broom_bench2 14 0 4 4 2\r\nl150 broom_bench3 15 0 4 4 2\r\nj160 broom_bench1 16 0 4 4 2\r\nk170 broom_bench2 17 0 4 4 2\r\nk180 broom_bench2 18 0 4 4 2\r\nl190 broom_bench3 19 0 4 4 2\r\nj200 broom_bench1 20 0 4 4 2\r\nk210 broom_bench2 21 0 4 4 2\r\nl220 broom_bench3 22 0 4 4 2\r\nf73 broom_seatb1 7 3 2 4 2\r\ng83 broom_seatb2 8 3 2 4 2\r\nh93 broom_seatb3 9 3 2 4 2\r\ni103 broom_seatb4 10 3 2 4 2\r\nb163 broom_seat1 16 3 2 4 2\r\nc173 broom_seat2 17 3 2 4 2\r\nd183 broom_seat3 18 3 2 4 2\r\ne193 broom_seat4 19 3 2 4 2\r\nf76 broom_seatb1 7 6 0 4 2\r\ng86 broom_seatb2 8 6 0 4 2\r\nh96 broom_seatb3 9 6 0 4 2\r\ni106 broom_seatb4 10 6 0 4 2\r\nb166 broom_seat1 16 6 0 4 2\r\nc176 broom_seat2 17 6 0 4 2\r\nd186 broom_seat3 18 6 0 4 2\r\ne196 broom_seat4 19 6 0 4 2\r\na1910 broom_chair 19 10 0 4 2\r\na2010 broom_chair 20 10 0 4 2\r\na2110 broom_chair 21 10 0 4 2\r\nn1911 broom_table1 19 11 0 0 1\r\no2011 broom_table2 20 11 0 0 1\r\np2111 broom_table3 21 11 0 0 1\r\na1912 broom_chair 19 12 0 0 2\r\na2012 broom_chair 20 12 0 0 2\r\na2112 broom_chair 21 12 0 0 2\r\na1915 broom_chair 19 15 0 4 2\r\na2015 broom_chair 20 15 0 4 2\r\na2115 broom_chair 21 15 0 4 2\r\nn1916 broom_table1 19 16 0 0 1\r\no2016 broom_table2 20 16 0 0 1\r\np2116 broom_table3 21 16 0 0 1\r\na1917 broom_chair 19 17 0 0 2\r\na2017 broom_chair 20 17 0 0 2\r\na2117 broom_chair 21 17 0 0 2\r\nm920 broom_stool 9 20 1 2 2\r\nm921 broom_stool 9 21 1 2 2\r\nm922 broom_stool 9 22 1 2 2\r\nm923 broom_stool 9 23 1 2 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('74', 'spa', '0', '9', '29', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxx1111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx11111xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx111111xxxxx\r\nxx111111111111111xxxx\r\nx11111111111111111xxx\r\n1111111111111111111xx\r\n11111111111111111111x\r\n111111111111111111111\r\n111111111111111111111\r\n1111111111111x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000x1111111\r\n1111111000000xxx00000\r\n111111100000000000000\r\n111111100000000000000\r\n111111100000000000000\r\n111111100000000xxxxx0\r\n11111110000000xxxxxx0\r\n11111110000000xxxxxx0\r\n11111110000000xxxxxxx\r\nx1111110000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx0000000000xxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'c53 gold_chair 5 3 1 2\r\nt63 gold_table_small1 6 3 1 6\r\nc73 gold_chair 7 3 1 6\r\n5103 gold_bardesk5 10 3 1 0\r\n4113 gold_bardesk4 11 3 1 0\r\n3123 gold_bardesk3 12 3 1 0\r\n2133 gold_bardesk2 13 3 1 0\r\n1143 gold_bardesk1 14 3 1 0\r\nc54 gold_chair 5 4 1 2\r\ny64 gold_table_small2 6 4 1 6\r\nc74 gold_chair 7 4 1 6\r\nc05 gold_chair 0 5 1 2\r\nt15 gold_table_small1 1 5 1 6\r\nc25 gold_chair 2 5 1 6\r\nc06 gold_chair 0 6 1 2\r\ny16 gold_table_small2 1 6 1 6\r\nc26 gold_chair 2 6 1 6\r\nc56 gold_chair 5 6 1 2\r\nt66 gold_table_small1 6 6 1 6\r\nc76 gold_chair 7 6 1 6\r\nc57 gold_chair 5 7 1 2\r\ny67 gold_table_small2 6 7 1 6\r\nc77 gold_chair 7 7 1 6\r\nc08 gold_chair 0 8 1 2\r\nt18 gold_table_small1 1 8 1 6\r\nc28 gold_chair 2 8 1 6\r\nc198 gold_chair 19 8 1 4\r\nc208 gold_chair 20 8 1 4\r\nc09 gold_chair 0 9 1 2\r\ny19 gold_table_small2 1 9 1 6\r\nc29 gold_chair 2 9 1 6\r\nc149 gold_chair 14 9 1 4\r\nc159 gold_chair 15 9 1 4\r\nt1910 gold_table_small1 19 10 1 0\r\ny2010 gold_table_small2 20 10 1 0\r\nt1411 gold_table_small1 14 11 1 0\r\ny1511 gold_table_small2 15 11 1 0\r\np012 gold_plant 0 12 1 0\r\nc112 gold_chair 1 12 1 0\r\nc212 gold_chair 2 12 1 0\r\nc312 gold_chair 3 12 1 0\r\nc1912 gold_chair 19 12 1 0\r\nc2012 gold_chair 20 12 1 0\r\np013 gold_plant 0 13 1 0\r\nc113 gold_chair 1 13 1 4\r\nc213 gold_chair 2 13 1 4\r\nc313 gold_chair 3 13 1 4\r\nc1413 gold_chair 14 13 1 0\r\nc1513 gold_chair 15 13 1 0\r\nc014 gold_chair 0 14 1 2\r\nc1414 gold_chair 14 14 1 4\r\nc1514 gold_chair 15 14 1 4\r\nc015 gold_chair 0 15 1 2\r\nt215 gold_table_small1 2 15 1 0\r\ny315 gold_table_small2 3 15 1 0\r\nc016 gold_chair 0 16 1 2\r\nt1416 gold_table_small1 14 16 1 0\r\ny1516 gold_table_small2 15 16 1 0\r\np017 gold_plant 0 17 1 0\r\nc117 gold_chair 1 17 1 0\r\nc217 gold_chair 2 17 1 0\r\nc317 gold_chair 3 17 1 0\r\np018 gold_plant 0 18 1 0\r\nc118 gold_chair 1 18 1 4\r\nc218 gold_chair 2 18 1 4\r\nc318 gold_chair 3 18 1 4\r\nc1418 gold_chair 14 18 1 0\r\nc1518 gold_chair 15 18 1 0\r\nc019 gold_chair 0 19 1 2\r\nc020 gold_chair 0 20 1 2\r\nt220 gold_table_small1 2 20 1 0\r\ny320 gold_table_small2 3 20 1 0\r\nc021 gold_chair 0 21 1 2\r\np022 gold_plant 0 22 1 0\r\nc122 gold_chair 1 22 1 0\r\nc222 gold_chair 2 22 1 0\r\nc322 gold_chair 3 22 1 0\r\np023 gold_plant 0 23 1 0\r\nc123 gold_chair 1 23 1 4\r\nc223 gold_chair 2 23 1 4\r\nc323 gold_chair 3 23 1 4\r\nc024 gold_chair 0 24 1 2\r\nc025 gold_chair 0 25 1 2\r\nt225 gold_table_small1 2 25 1 0\r\ny325 gold_table_small2 3 25 1 0\r\nc026 gold_chair 0 26 1 2\r\nc127 gold_chair 1 27 1 0\r\nc227 gold_chair 2 27 1 0\r\nc327 gold_chair 3 27 1 0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('75', 'cafe', '0', '30', '40', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000xx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxx0000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxx000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'd3221 chairup4 32 21 0 3\r\nf3321 chairup6 33 21 0 4\r\nf3421 chairup6 34 21 0 4\r\nf3521 chairup6 35 21 0 4\r\nf3621 chairup6 36 21 0 4\r\ng3721 chairup7 37 21 0 4\r\nb3222 chairup2 32 22 0 2\r\ne2523 chairup5 25 23 0 4\r\nf2623 chairup6 26 23 0 4\r\nf2723 chairup6 27 23 0 4\r\nf2823 chairup6 28 23 0 4\r\ng2923 chairup7 29 23 0 4\r\na3223 chairup1 32 23 0 2\r\nA2424 counter5 24 24 0 7\r\nr2524 table2 25 24 0 7\r\nq2624 table1 26 24 0 7\r\np2425 counter3 24 25 0 7\r\nz2426 counter4 24 26 0 7\r\np2427 counter3 24 27 0 7\r\np2428 counter3 24 28 0 7\r\ny2928 palms4 29 28 0 7\r\np2429 counter3 24 29 0 7\r\nx2929 palms3 29 29 0 7\r\np2430 counter3 24 30 0 7\r\nw2930 palms2 29 30 0 7\r\nn2231 counter1 22 31 0 7\r\nn2331 counter1 23 31 0 7\r\no2431 counter2 24 31 0 7\r\nv2931 palms1 29 31 0 7\r\ne3031 chairup5 30 31 0 4\r\nf3131 chairup6 31 31 0 4\r\nf3231 chairup6 32 31 0 4\r\nf3331 chairup6 33 31 0 4\r\nf3431 chairup6 34 31 0 4\r\nf3531 chairup6 35 31 0 4\r\nf3631 chairup6 36 31 0 4\r\nj3731 chairright3 37 31 0 5\r\nc2132 chairup3 21 32 0 2\r\nt2232 table4 22 32 0 7\r\nr3032 table2 30 32 0 7\r\nq3132 table1 31 32 0 7\r\nr3332 table2 33 32 0 7\r\nq3432 table1 34 32 0 7\r\ni3732 chairright2 37 32 0 6\r\nb2133 chairup2 21 33 0 2\r\ns2233 table3 22 33 0 7\r\ni3733 chairright2 37 33 0 6\r\nb2134 chairup2 21 34 0 2\r\nt3634 table4 36 34 0 7\r\ni3734 chairright2 37 34 0 6\r\nb2135 chairup2 21 35 0 2\r\nr2435 table2 24 35 0 7\r\nq2535 table1 25 35 0 7\r\nr2735 table2 27 35 0 7\r\nq2835 table1 28 35 0 7\r\nu3335 palm 33 35 0 7\r\ns3635 table3 36 35 0 7\r\ni3735 chairright2 37 35 0 6\r\nm2136 chairleft3 21 36 0 1\r\nl2236 chairleft2 22 36 0 0\r\nl2336 chairleft2 23 36 0 0\r\nl2436 chairleft2 24 36 0 0\r\nl2536 chairleft2 25 36 0 0\r\nl2636 chairleft2 26 36 0 0\r\nl2736 chairleft2 27 36 0 0\r\nk2836 chairleft1 28 36 0 0\r\ni3736 chairright2 37 36 0 6\r\nt3637 table4 36 37 0 7\r\ni3737 chairright2 37 37 0 6\r\ns3638 table3 36 38 0 7\r\nh3738 chairright1 37 38 0 6', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('76', 'cinema', '0', '20', '27', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxx1xx11111111xxxxxx\r\nxxx1111111111111111xxxxx\r\nxxx111xxxx1111111111xxxx\r\nxxxx2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxx3x3x333311xxxxxxxxxx11\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111122111\r\nxx3333333311x22222222111\r\nxx3333333311x22222222111\r\nxx3333333311xxxxxxxxx111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\n333333332111111xxxx11111\r\n333333332111111111111111\r\n333333332111111111111111\r\n333333332111111111111111\r\nxx3333332111111111111111\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111', 'C24 orange 2 4 3 0\r\nA74 loungey_chair 7 4 3 2\r\nV84 loungey_tablebigb 8 4 3 0\r\nA94 loungey_chair 9 4 3 6\r\nA25 loungey_chair 2 5 3 4\r\nA75 loungey_chair 7 5 3 2\r\nU85 loungey_tablebiga 8 5 3 0\r\nA95 loungey_chair 9 5 3 6\r\nB26 loungey_table 2 6 3 0\r\nA27 loungey_chair 2 7 3 0\r\nh137 theater_chair 13 7 1 0\r\nh147 theater_chair 14 7 1 0\r\nh157 theater_chair 15 7 1 0\r\nh167 theater_chair 16 7 1 0\r\nh177 theater_chair 17 7 1 0\r\nh187 theater_chair 18 7 1 0\r\nz217 stair 21 7 1 0\r\nL98 lightpole 9 8 3 0\r\nq138 pomomaski 13 8 2 2\r\nq148 pomomaski 14 8 2 0\r\nq158 pomomaski 15 8 2 0\r\nq168 pomomaski 16 8 2 0\r\nq178 pomomaski 17 8 2 0\r\nq188 pomomaski 18 8 2 0\r\nq198 pomomaski 19 8 2 1\r\nz218 stair 21 8 1 0\r\nC29 orange 2 9 3 0\r\nh139 theater_chair 13 9 2 0\r\nh149 theater_chair 14 9 2 0\r\nh159 theater_chair 15 9 2 0\r\nh169 theater_chair 16 9 2 0\r\nh179 theater_chair 17 9 2 0\r\nh189 theater_chair 18 9 2 0\r\nh199 theater_chair 19 9 2 0\r\nh209 theater_chair 20 9 2 0\r\nz219 stair 21 9 1 0\r\nA210 loungey_chair 2 10 3 4\r\nA910 loungey_chair 9 10 3 4\r\nB211 loungey_table 2 11 3 0\r\nB911 loungey_table 9 11 3 0\r\nA212 loungey_chair 2 12 3 0\r\nA912 loungey_chair 9 12 3 0\r\nd1712 cubicb_chair 17 12 1 6\r\nc1912 cubico_chair 19 12 1 2\r\nd1513 cubicb_chair 15 13 1 2\r\nL1913 lightpole 19 13 1 0\r\nd2013 cubicb_chair 20 13 1 6\r\nL914 lightpole 9 14 3 0\r\nA215 loungey_chair 2 15 3 4\r\nd1415 cubicb_chair 14 15 1 4\r\nc1915 cubico_chair 19 15 1 4\r\nB216 loungey_table 2 16 3 0\r\nA716 loungey_chair 7 16 3 2\r\nB816 loungey_table 8 16 3 2\r\nA916 loungey_chair 9 16 3 6\r\nd1316 cubicb_chair 13 16 1 2\r\nd1416 cubicb_chair 14 16 1 6\r\nC1916 orange 19 16 1 0\r\nA217 loungey_chair 2 17 3 0\r\nA717 loungey_chair 7 17 3 2\r\nB817 loungey_table 8 17 3 2\r\nA917 loungey_chair 9 17 3 6\r\nd1917 cubicb_chair 19 17 1 2\r\nC218 orange 2 18 3 0\r\nd1418 cubicb_chair 14 18 1 4\r\nK219 bardesque 2 19 3 0\r\nK220 bardesque 2 20 3 1\r\nb320 bar_chair 3 20 3 6\r\nL920 lightpole 9 20 3 0\r\nd1420 cubicb_chair 14 20 1 0\r\nd1920 cubicb_chair 19 20 1 2\r\nc2020 cubico_chair 20 20 1 6\r\nK221 bardesque 2 21 3 1\r\nb321 bar_chair 3 21 3 6\r\nd1921 cubicb_chair 19 21 1 0\r\nK222 bardesque 2 22 3 1\r\nb322 bar_chair 3 22 3 6\r\nL1622 lightpole 16 22 1 0\r\nc1822 cubico_chair 18 22 1 0\r\nK223 bardesque 2 23 3 1\r\nb323 bar_chair 3 23 3 6\r\nK224 bardesque 2 24 3 1\r\nb324 bar_chair 3 24 3 6\r\nK225 bardesque 2 25 3 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('77', 'den', '0', '3', '22', '0', '0', '00000000xxxxxxxx\r\n0000000000000000\r\n0000000000000000\r\n000000000000xx00\r\n0000000000000000\r\n0000000000000000\r\n0000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\n0000000000000000\r\n0000000000000000\r\n0000000000000000\r\n0000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nx000000000000000\r\nxxx00xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxx00xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxx00xxxxxxxxxxx', 'l70 crs_lamptable 7 0 0 0\r\ng141 tvtable 14 1 0 2\r\nt02 crs_trash 0 2 0 0\r\ns22 crs_sofag_start 2 2 0 4\r\nm32 crs_sofag_mid 3 2 0 4\r\nm42 crs_sofag_mid 4 2 0 4\r\nS52 crs_sofag_end 5 2 0 4\r\nR124 crs_roundwoodtable 12 4 0 2 2\r\nW154 crs_woodchair 15 4 0 6\r\nW105 crs_woodchair 10 5 0 2\r\nW156 crs_woodchair 15 6 0 6\r\nW77 crs_woodchair 7 7 0 4\r\nW138 crs_woodchair 13 8 0 4\r\nW158 crs_woodchair 15 8 0 4\r\nW59 crs_woodchair 5 9 0 2\r\nF010 crs_fridge 0 10 0 0\r\nV710 ctable2 7 10 0 2\r\nY1310 crs_woodtable_end 13 10 0 1 2\r\ny1410 crs_woodtable_start 14 10 0 2 2\r\nW511 crs_woodchair 5 11 0 2\r\nB112 crs_box 1 12 0 2\r\nB113 crs_box 1 13 0 2\r\nv713 ctable1 7 13 0 2\r\nW1313 crs_woodchair 13 13 0 0\r\nW1513 crs_woodchair 15 13 0 0\r\nB115 crs_box 1 15 0 2\r\nP117 crs_boxopen 1 17 0 2\r\ni1517 crs_stomp 15 17 0 0\r\nB118 crs_box 1 18 0 2\r\ni1518 crs_stomp 15 18 0 0\r\nb119 crs_boxtwo 1 19 0 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
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INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('79', 'gate_park', '0', '17', '26', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxx222xx222222xxx222xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx222xx2222222xx222xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx22222222222222222xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx22222222222222222xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx22222222222222222xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx22222x22222x22222xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx11111x22222x11111xxxxxx\r\n0000000xx00000x22222x00000xxxxxx\r\n0000000xx00000000000000000xxxxxx\r\n000000000000000000000000000xx00x\r\n000000000000xxx00000xxx00000000x\r\n000000000000xxx00000xxx00000000x\r\n000000000000xxx00000xxx000000000\r\n00000000000000000000000000000000\r\nx0000000000000000000000000000000\r\nxxx00000000000000000000000000000\r\nxxxxx000000000000000000000000000\r\nxxxxx000000000000000000000000000\r\nxxxxx000000000000000000000000xxx\r\nxxxxxx00000000000000000000000xxx\r\nxxxxxxx000000000000000000000xxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000xxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'd155 gate_table1 15 5 2 2 1\r\nd195 gate_table1 19 5 2 6 1\r\ne156 gate_table2 15 6 2 2 1\r\ne196 gate_table2 19 6 2 6 1\r\nd27 gate_table1 2 7 0 4 1\r\ne37 gate_table2 3 7 0 4 1\r\nf47 gate_table3 4 7 0 4 1\r\nf157 gate_table3 15 7 2 2 1\r\nf197 gate_table3 19 7 2 6 1\r\nd210 gate_table1 2 10 0 0 1\r\ne310 gate_table2 3 10 0 0 1\r\nf410 gate_table3 4 10 0 0 1\r\nd211 gate_table1 2 11 0 4 1\r\ne311 gate_table2 3 11 0 4 1\r\nf411 gate_table3 4 11 0 4 1\r\nb2913 gate_drumchair 29 13 0 4 2\r\nb3013 gate_drumchair 30 13 0 4 2\r\nd214 gate_table1 2 14 0 0 1\r\ne314 gate_table2 3 14 0 0 1\r\nf414 gate_table3 4 14 0 0 1\r\nb1214 gate_drumchair 12 14 0 4 2\r\nb1714 gate_drumchair 17 14 0 4 2\r\nb2214 gate_drumchair 22 14 0 4 2\r\nh815 gate_lantern 8 15 0 0 1\r\nb1115 gate_drumchair 11 15 0 2 2\r\nc1215 gate_table 12 15 0 0 1\r\nb1315 gate_drumchair 13 15 0 6 2\r\nb1615 gate_drumchair 16 15 0 2 2\r\nc1715 gate_table 17 15 0 0 1\r\nb1815 gate_drumchair 18 15 0 6 2\r\nb2115 gate_drumchair 21 15 0 2 2\r\nc2215 gate_table 22 15 0 0 1\r\nb2315 gate_drumchair 23 15 0 6 2\r\nh2615 gate_lantern 26 15 0 0 1\r\nb1216 gate_drumchair 12 16 0 0 2\r\nb1716 gate_drumchair 17 16 0 0 2\r\nb2216 gate_drumchair 22 16 0 0 2\r\nb2917 gate_drumchair 29 17 0 0 2\r\nb3017 gate_drumchair 30 17 0 0 2\r\ni1018 gate_rockchair1 10 18 0 2 2\r\ni1418 gate_rockchair1 14 18 0 6 2\r\na2018 gate_trashcan 20 18 0 0 1\r\nk2118 gate_rockchair3 21 18 0 4 2\r\nj2218 gate_rockchair2 22 18 0 4 2\r\ni2318 gate_rockchair1 23 18 0 4 2\r\nj1019 gate_rockchair2 10 19 0 2 2\r\nk1419 gate_rockchair3 14 19 0 6 2\r\nj2019 gate_rockchair2 20 19 0 2 2\r\nk1020 gate_rockchair3 10 20 0 2 2\r\nj1420 gate_rockchair2 14 20 0 6 2\r\nk2020 gate_rockchair3 20 20 0 2 2\r\ni1021 gate_rockchair1 10 21 0 2 2\r\ni2021 gate_rockchair1 20 21 0 2 2\r\ng1022 gate_talltree 10 22 0 0 1\r\ng1023 gate_talltree 10 23 0 0 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('80', 'square_2', '0', '17', '23', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxx111111111111xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx11111111111111xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx11111111111111xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx11xxxx11xxxx11xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx00xxxx00xxxx00xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxx0000000000000000000xxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxx000000000000000000000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxx0000000000000000000x000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxx00000000000000000000xx000xxxxxx\r\nxxxx00000000000000000000xxx000xxxxx\r\nxxxx00000000000000000000xxxx00xxxxx\r\n000000000000000000000000000000xxxxx\r\n0000000000000000000000000000000xxxx\r\n000000000000000000000000000000xxxxx\r\n000000000000000000000000000000xxxxx\r\n000000000000000000000000000000xxxxx\r\nxx00000000000000000000000000000000x\r\nxxx000xxxx00000000000000xxxx0000000\r\nxxx0000xxx00000000000000xxx00000000\r\nxxxx0000xx00000000000000xx000000000\r\nxxxxx0000x00000000000000x00000000xx\r\nxxxxxx00000000000000000000000xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxx00000x000000000000000x0xxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx0000xxx0000xxx000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx000xxx0000xxx000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxx000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxx000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000xxxxxxxx', 'd120 gate_table1 12 0 1 4\r\ne130 gate_table2 13 0 1 4\r\nf140 gate_table3 14 0 1 4\r\nd160 gate_table1 16 0 1 4\r\nf170 gate_table3 17 0 1 4\r\nd190 gate_table1 19 0 1 4\r\ne200 gate_table2 20 0 1 4\r\nf210 gate_table3 21 0 1 4\r\ng97 gate_talltree 9 7 0 0\r\nb148 gate_drumchair 14 8 0 4\r\nb198 gate_drumchair 19 8 0 4\r\ng99 gate_talltree 9 9 0 0\r\nb139 gate_drumchair 13 9 0 2\r\nc149 gate_table 14 9 0 0\r\nb159 gate_drumchair 15 9 0 6\r\nb189 gate_drumchair 18 9 0 2\r\nc199 gate_table 19 9 0 0\r\nb209 gate_drumchair 20 9 0 6\r\ng610 gate_talltree 6 10 0 0\r\ng810 gate_talltree 8 10 0 0\r\nb1410 gate_drumchair 14 10 0 0\r\nb1910 gate_drumchair 19 10 0 0\r\nk611 gate_rockchair3 6 11 0 2\r\nj811 gate_rockchair2 8 11 0 6\r\nb112 gate_drumchair 1 12 0 4\r\nb212 gate_drumchair 2 12 0 4\r\ni612 gate_rockchair1 6 12 0 2\r\ng2712 gate_talltree 27 12 0 0\r\ng3012 gate_talltree 30 12 0 0\r\nb114 gate_drumchair 1 14 0 0\r\nb214 gate_drumchair 2 14 0 0\r\ni615 gate_rockchair1 6 15 0 2\r\na2715 gate_trashcan 27 15 0 0\r\nj616 gate_rockchair2 6 16 0 2\r\nk816 gate_rockchair3 8 16 0 6\r\nd3116 gate_table1 31 16 0 4\r\nf3216 gate_table3 32 16 0 4\r\nb1417 gate_drumchair 14 17 0 4\r\nb1917 gate_drumchair 19 17 0 4\r\nb1318 gate_drumchair 13 18 0 2\r\nc1418 gate_table 14 18 0 0\r\nb1518 gate_drumchair 15 18 0 6\r\nb1818 gate_drumchair 18 18 0 2\r\nc1918 gate_table 19 18 0 0\r\nb2018 gate_drumchair 20 18 0 6\r\nb1419 gate_drumchair 14 19 0 0\r\nb1919 gate_drumchair 19 19 0 0\r\nd3119 gate_table1 31 19 0 0\r\nf3219 gate_table3 32 19 0 0\r\nh2922 gate_lantern 29 22 0 0\r\na823 gate_trashcan 8 23 0 0\r\nd2324 gate_table1 23 24 0 2\r\nd2624 gate_table1 26 24 0 6\r\nf2325 gate_table3 23 25 0 2\r\nf2625 gate_table3 26 25 0 6', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('81', 'rumble', '0', '1', '5', '7', '0', 'xxxxxxxx77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxx77777x77xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxx77777777777xxx44xxxxxxx\r\n77777777777777xx444444444x\r\n777777777777777xx44444444x\r\nxxx777777777777xx44444444x\r\nxxxx7777777777xxx44444444x\r\n7777777777777777744448444x\r\n7777777777777x4x744448444x\r\n777777777777x444444448444x\r\n7777777777774444444448444x\r\n7777777777774444444448444x\r\n777777777777x444444448444x\r\n7777777777777x44444448444x\r\nxxx777777777777x444448444x\r\nxxx7777777777777444448444x\r\nxxx7777777777777444448444x\r\nxxx777777777777x444448444x\r\nxxx77777777777x4444444444x\r\nxxxx777777777444444444444x\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'A43 mntdwchair 4 3 7 4\r\nA53 mntdwchair 5 3 7 4\r\nM28 barmask 2 8 7 0\r\ns78 mntdwsofa2 7 8 7 2\r\nt88 mntdwtable2 8 8 7 0\r\ns98 mntdwsofa2 9 8 7 6\r\ny218 paalu5 21 8 8 0\r\nM29 barmask 2 9 7 0\r\nS79 mntdwsofa1 7 9 7 2\r\nT89 mntdwtable1 8 9 7 0\r\nS99 mntdwsofa1 9 9 7 6\r\ny219 paalu5 21 9 8 0\r\nM210 barmask 2 10 7 0\r\ny2110 paalu5 21 10 8 0\r\nM211 barmask 2 11 7 0\r\ny2111 paalu5 21 11 8 0\r\nM212 barmask 2 12 7 0\r\ns712 mntdwsofa2 7 12 7 4\r\nS812 mntdwsofa1 8 12 7 4\r\ne2112 paalu3 21 12 8 0\r\nM213 barmask 2 13 7 0\r\nt713 mntdwtable2 7 13 7 2\r\nT813 mntdwtable1 8 13 7 2\r\ne2113 paalu3 21 13 8 0\r\nM214 barmask 2 14 7 0\r\ns714 mntdwsofa2 7 14 7 0\r\nS814 mntdwsofa1 8 14 7 0\r\ne2114 paalu3 21 14 8 0\r\nM215 barmask 2 15 100000 0\r\nq2115 paalu1 21 15 8 0\r\nM216 barmask 2 16 100000 0\r\ns1216 mntdwsofa2 12 16 7 4\r\nS1316 mntdwsofa1 13 16 7 4\r\nq2116 paalu1 21 16 8 0\r\nA317 mntdwchair 3 17 7 2\r\ns617 mntdwsofa2 6 17 7 2\r\nt717 mntdwtable2 7 17 7 0\r\ns817 mntdwsofa2 8 17 7 6\r\nt1217 mntdwtable2 12 17 7 2\r\nT1317 mntdwtable1 13 17 7 2\r\nq2117 paalu1 21 17 8 0\r\nA318 mntdwchair 3 18 7 2\r\nS618 mntdwsofa1 6 18 7 2\r\nT718 mntdwtable1 7 18 7 0\r\nS818 mntdwsofa1 8 18 7 6\r\ns1218 mntdwsofa2 12 18 7 0\r\nS1318 mntdwsofa1 13 18 7 0\r\nq2118 paalu1 21 18 8 0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('82', 'sun_terrace', '0', '9', '17', '0', '0', 'xxxxxx21000000000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxx3xxx000xx000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxx4xxx000xxx000xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxx44xx000x00x000xxxxx\r\nxxxxxx44xx0000xx00000xxxx\r\nxxxxxx44xx000000000000xxx\r\nxxxxxx44xx0000000000000xx\r\nxxxxxxx4xxxxxxx00000000xx\r\nxxxxxxx4xxxxxxx0000000xxx\r\nxxxxxx444432222xxx00xxxxx\r\nxxxxxx444432222x0000000xx\r\nxxxxxx444432222x0000000xx\r\nxxxxxx44400x222x0000000xx\r\nxxxxxx444000x11x0000000xx\r\nxxxxxx444000000x0000000xx\r\nxxxxxx444000000x0000000xx\r\nxxxxxx440000000000000000x\r\nxxxxxx4400000000000000000\r\nx8876x444000000x000000000\r\nx8xx6x444000000x000000000\r\nx9xx6x444000000x000000000\r\n999x65444000000x000000000\r\n999xxx444xxxxxxxxxx000000\r\n999xxx444xxxxxxxxxxx00000\r\n999xxx333xxxxxxxxxxxx0000\r\n999xxx222222222222222x000\r\nxxxxxx222222222222222xx00\r\nxxxxxx222222222222222xxx0\r\nxxxxxx222222222222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxxx22222222222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx2222222222222xxxx\r\n', 'a1611 sun_chair 16 11 0 2 2\r\na2011 sun_chair 20 11 0 2 2\r\na1612 sun_chair 16 12 0 2 2\r\na2012 sun_chair 20 12 0 2 2\r\nb1013 blusun_chair 10 13 0 4 2\r\na1613 sun_chair 16 13 0 2 2\r\na2013 sun_chair 20 13 0 2 2\r\nc1014 sun_table 10 14 0 0 1\r\na2014 sun_chair 20 14 0 2 2\r\nb1015 blusun_chair 10 15 0 0 2\r\na118 sun_chair 1 18 8 2 2\r\na418 sun_chair 4 18 6 2 2\r\nb1118 blusun_chair 11 18 0 4 2\r\nb1019 blusun_chair 10 19 0 2 2\r\nc1119 sun_table 11 19 0 0 1\r\nb1219 blusun_chair 12 19 0 6 2\r\na1819 sun_chair 18 19 0 2 2\r\na2219 sun_chair 22 19 0 2 2\r\nb1120 blusun_chair 11 20 0 0 2\r\na1820 sun_chair 18 20 0 2 2\r\na2220 sun_chair 22 20 0 2 2\r\na421 sun_chair 4 21 6 2 2\r\na621 sun_chair 6 21 4 2 2\r\na1821 sun_chair 18 21 0 2 2\r\na2221 sun_chair 22 21 0 2 2\r\nb222 blusun_chair 2 22 9 4 2\r\na2222 sun_chair 22 22 0 2 2\r\nb123 blusun_chair 1 23 9 2 2\r\nd223 sun_table2 2 23 9 0 1\r\nb224 blusun_chair 2 24 9 0 2\r\na1125 sun_chair 11 25 2 4 2\r\na1225 sun_chair 12 25 2 4 2\r\na1325 sun_chair 13 25 2 4 2\r\nc1425 sun_table 14 25 2 0 1\r\na1525 sun_chair 15 25 2 4 2\r\na1625 sun_chair 16 25 2 4 2\r\na1725 sun_chair 17 25 2 4 2\r\na1329 sun_chair 13 29 2 2 2\r\na1529 sun_chair 15 29 2 2 2\r\na1729 sun_chair 17 29 2 2 2\r\na1330 sun_chair 13 30 2 2 2\r\na1530 sun_chair 15 30 2 2 2\r\na1730 sun_chair 17 30 2 2 2 ', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('83', 'space_cafe', '0', '21', '17', '1', '0', 'x3333x333211111xxxxxxxxx\r\nx3333x333211111xx3333333\r\nxxxxxx333211111xx3333333\r\n33333333xx11111xx3333333\r\n33333333xx11111xx3333333\r\n33x333xxxx11111xx3333333\r\nxxx222xxx111111xx3333333\r\n22222222xx11111xx3333333\r\n22222222xxx1111xx3333333\r\n22222222xxxx1111x2222222\r\n22222222xxxx1111x1111111\r\n22222222xxxx111111111111\r\n22222222xxxx111111111111\r\nxxx222xxxxx1111111111111\r\nxxxx33xxxx11111111111111\r\nxxx333321111111111111111\r\nxxx333321111111111111111\r\nxxx333321111111111111111\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111xxxx11x\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxx11x\r\nxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxx11x\r\nxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxx\r\n', 'a191 space_stool 19 1 3 4 2\r\na231 space_stool 23 1 3 4 2\r\na182 space_stool 18 2 3 2 2\r\nf192 smalltable 19 2 3 0 1\r\na202 space_stool 20 2 3 6 2\r\na222 space_stool 22 2 3 2 2\r\nf232 smalltable 23 2 3 0 1\r\na193 space_stool 19 3 3 0 2\r\na233 space_stool 23 3 3 0 2\r\na175 space_stool 17 5 3 4 2\r\na215 space_stool 21 5 3 4 2\r\nf176 smalltable 17 6 3 0 1\r\na186 space_stool 18 6 3 6 2\r\na206 space_stool 20 6 3 2 2\r\nf216 smalltable 21 6 3 0 1\r\na226 space_stool 22 6 3 6 2\r\na177 space_stool 17 7 3 0 2\r\na217 space_stool 21 7 3 0 2\r\nb08 bluesofab 0 8 2 4 2\r\nc18 bluesofaa 1 8 2 4 2\r\nd68 redsofab 6 8 2 4 2\r\ne78 redsofaa 7 8 2 4 2\r\ni09 bigtabled 0 9 2 0 1\r\nj19 bigtablec 1 9 2 0 1\r\nb29 bluesofab 2 9 2 6 2\r\nd59 redsofab 5 9 2 2 2\r\ni69 bigtabled 6 9 2 0 1\r\nj79 bigtablec 7 9 2 0 1\r\nk010 bigtableb 0 10 2 0 1\r\nl110 bigtablea 1 10 2 0 1\r\nc210 bluesofaa 2 10 2 6 2\r\ne510 redsofaa 5 10 2 2 2\r\nk610 bigtableb 6 10 2 0 1\r\nl710 bigtablea 7 10 2 0 1\r\nb011 bluesofab 0 11 2 0 2\r\nc111 bluesofaa 1 11 2 0 2\r\nd611 redsofab 6 11 2 0 2\r\ne711 redsofaa 7 11 2 0 2\r\nd1813 redsofab 18 13 1 2 2\r\ng1913 midtableb 19 13 1 6 1\r\nd2013 redsofab 20 13 1 6 2\r\ne1814 redsofaa 18 14 1 2 2\r\nh1914 midtablea 19 14 1 6 1\r\ne2014 redsofaa 20 14 1 6 2\r\na315 space_stool 3 15 3 2 2\r\nf316 smalltable 3 16 3 0 1\r\na317 space_stool 3 17 3 2 2\r\nd1021 redsofab 10 21 0 2 2\r\ne1022 redsofaa 10 22 0 2 2\r\nb1322 bluesofab 13 22 0 4 2\r\nc1422 bluesofaa 14 22 0 4 2\r\nf1023 smalltable 10 23 0 0 1\r\ng1323 midtableb 13 23 0 0 1\r\nh1423 midtablea 14 23 0 0 1\r\nd1024 redsofab 10 24 0 2 2\r\nb1324 bluesofab 13 24 0 0 2\r\nc1424 bluesofaa 14 24 0 0 2\r\ne1025 redsofaa 10 25 0 2 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('84', 'beauty_salon0', '0', '4', '3', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxx0000000000000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxx00000000000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxx000000000000xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxx0x0000x00000000xxxxx\r\nxxx00xxxxxx0000000xxxxxx\r\nxx000x000xx0000000xxxxxx\r\nxx000xxxxx00000000xxxxxx\r\nxx000x000000000000xxxxxx\r\nxx000x000000000000xxxxxx\r\nxx00xx000000000000xxxxxx\r\nxx00xx00x0000000000xxxxx\r\nxx00xx00x0000000000xxxxx\r\nxx00xx0000000000000xxxxx\r\nxx00xx0000000000000xxxxx\r\nxx000x0xx0000000000xxxxx\r\nxx000x0x00000000000xxxxx\r\nxx000x0x00x00000000xxxxx\r\nxx000x0x00000000000xxxxx\r\nxx000x0x00x00000000xxxxx\r\nxx000xx000000000000xxxxx\r\nxx00000000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000000xx\r\nxxxxxx0000000000000000xx \r\n', 'd116 pinkchair 11 6 0 6 2\r\nd117 pinkchair 11 7 0 6 2\r\nd38 pinkchair 3 8 0 4 2\r\nd610 pinkchair 6 10 0 0 2\r\nd710 pinkchair 7 10 0 0 2\r\nd810 pinkchair 8 10 0 0 2\r\nd411 pinkchair 4 11 0 4 2\r\ni913 directorchair 9 13 0 4 2\r\ni1613 directorchair 16 13 0 2 2\r\ni1813 directorchair 18 13 0 4 2\r\ni1614 directorchair 16 14 0 2 2\r\ne1316 longchair1 13 16 0 4 2\r\nf1416 longchair2 14 16 0 4 2\r\nf1516 longchair2 15 16 0 4 2\r\ng1616 longchair3 16 16 0 4 2\r\nb217 table2 2 17 0 2 1\r\ne1217 longchair1 12 17 0 2 2\r\ne1717 longchair1 17 17 0 6 2\r\nb218 table2 2 18 0 2 1\r\nb818 table2 8 18 0 2 1\r\nf1218 longchair2 12 18 0 2 2\r\nf1718 longchair2 17 18 0 6 2\r\nb219 table2 2 19 0 2 1\r\nb819 table2 8 19 0 2 1\r\nf1219 longchair2 12 19 0 2 2\r\nf1719 longchair2 17 19 0 6 2\r\nb220 table2 2 20 0 2 1\r\nb820 table2 8 20 0 2 1\r\ng1220 longchair3 12 20 0 2 2\r\ng1720 longchair3 17 20 0 6 2\r\nb821 table2 8 21 0 2 1\r\ne1321 longchair1 13 21 0 0 2\r\nf1421 longchair2 14 21 0 0 2\r\nf1521 longchair2 15 21 0 0 2\r\ng1621 longchair3 16 21 0 0 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('85', 'chill', '0', '22', '22', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx0000000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx0000000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx0000000000xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxx0000000000xxxxxxx\r\nxx000000000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxx000000000000000000000xx\r\nxx000000000000000000000xx\r\nxx000000000xx0000000000xx\r\nxx000000000xxxxx000000000\r\nxx000000000xxx0x000000000\r\nxx00000x000xxx0x000000000\r\nxx000000000xxxxx0000000xx\r\nxx000000000000000000000xx\r\nxx000000000000000000000xx\r\nxx000000000000000000000xx\r\nxx000000000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\n', 'f113 stone 11 3 0 4 2\r\nf97 stone 9 7 0 4 2\r\nf137 stone 13 7 0 4 2\r\nf88 stone 8 8 0 2 2\r\nf138 stone 13 8 0 2 2\r\nf1310 stone 13 10 0 2 2\r\nf1413 stone 14 13 0 2 2\r\nf1514 stone 15 14 0 0 2\r\nf1715 stone 17 15 0 0 2\r\ne1319 jap_stool 13 19 0 4 2\r\nd420 jap_chair 4 20 0 2 2\r\na520 jap_table 5 20 0 2 1\r\nd620 jap_chair 6 20 0 6 2\r\nd421 jap_chair 4 21 0 2 2\r\nc521 jap_table3 5 21 0 2 1\r\nd621 jap_chair 6 21 0 6 2\r\nd324 jap_chair 3 24 0 4 2\r\nd424 jap_chair 4 24 0 4 2\r\nd524 jap_chair 5 24 0 4 2\r\ne1624 jap_stool 16 24 0 6 2\r\na325 jap_table 3 25 0 0 1\r\nb425 jap_table2 4 25 0 0 1\r\nc525 jap_table3 5 25 0 0 1\r\ne1625 jap_stool 16 25 0 6 2\r\nd326 jap_chair 3 26 0 0 2\r\nd426 jap_chair 4 26 0 0 2\r\nd526 jap_chair 5 26 0 0 2\r\ne1626 jap_stool 16 26 0 6 2\r\nd329 jap_chair 3 29 0 4 2\r\nd429 jap_chair 4 29 0 4 2\r\na330 jap_table 3 30 0 0 1\r\nc430 jap_table3 4 30 0 0 1\r\nd530 jap_chair 5 30 0 6 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('86', 'dusty_lounge', '0', '14', '1', '2', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx22xxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxx222x222x2xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxx33322222222223xxxxxxx3\r\nxxxxxxx33322222222223xxxxxxx3\r\nxxxxxxx33322222222223x33333x3\r\nxxxxxxx33322222222223x33333x3\r\nxx111xx33322222222223xxxxxxx3\r\nxx111xxx332222222222333333333\r\nxx111xxxx32222222222333333333\r\nxx111xxxxxx222222222333333333\r\nxx111xxxxxxx1111111x333333333\r\nxx111xxxxxxx1111111x222222222\r\nxx111xxxxxx111111111111111111\r\nxx111xxxxxx111111111111111111\r\n11111xxxxxx111111111111111111\r\n11111xxxxxx111111111111111111\r\n11x11xxxxxx111111111111111111\r\n11xxxxxxxxx11111111111111111x\r\nx11xxxxxxxxx1111111x1111111xx\r\nxx11xxxxxxx111111111111111xxx\r\nxxx11xxxxxx11111111111111xxxx\r\nxxxx11111111111111111111xxxxx\r\nxxxxx11111111111111xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxxxxxxxx\r\n', 'c84 greenchair2 8 4 3 4 2\r\nd94 greenchair1 9 4 3 4 2\r\nc86 greenchair2 8 6 3 0 2\r\nd96 greenchair1 9 6 3 0 2\r\na206 dustylamp 20 6 3 2 1\r\na286 dustylamp 28 6 3 2 1\r\nc37 greenchair2 3 7 1 4 2\r\nd47 greenchair1 4 7 1 4 2\r\nc39 greenchair2 3 9 1 0 2\r\nd49 greenchair1 4 9 1 0 2\r\nb2110 yellowchair 21 10 3 2 2\r\nb2310 yellowchair 23 10 3 6 2\r\nb2610 yellowchair 26 10 3 2 2\r\nb2810 yellowchair 28 10 3 6 2\r\nc1112 greenchair2 11 12 1 2 2\r\nc313 greenchair2 3 13 1 4 2\r\nd413 greenchair1 4 13 1 4 2\r\nd1113 greenchair1 11 13 1 2 2\r\na1114 dustylamp 11 14 1 2 1\r\nc315 greenchair2 3 15 1 0 2\r\nd415 greenchair1 4 15 1 0 2\r\nc1115 greenchair2 11 15 1 2 2\r\nb2415 yellowchair 24 15 1 4 2\r\nd1116 greenchair1 11 16 1 2 2\r\nb2217 yellowchair 22 17 1 2 2\r\na2417 dustylamp 24 17 1 2 1\r\nb2617 yellowchair 26 17 1 6 2\r\na1119 dustylamp 11 19 1 2 1\r\nb2419 yellowchair 24 19 1 0 2\r\nc1223 greenchair2 12 23 1 2 2\r\nc1423 greenchair2 14 23 1 6 2\r\nd1224 greenchair1 12 24 1 2 2\r\nd1424 greenchair1 14 24 1 6 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
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INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('92', 'cr_cafe', '0', '20', '10', '0', '0', '0000000000000000000xx\r\nx000000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxxxx000000000000000xx\r\n0000000000000000000xx\r\n0000000000000000000xx\r\nx000000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxxxx00000000000000000\r\nxxx000000000000000000\r\nxxx0000000000000000xx\r\nxxx0000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\nxx00000000000000000xx\r\n', 'D00 drawer_end 0 0 0 4 1\r\nT30 koc_table 3 0 0 0 1\r\nl60 koc_smalltable 6 0 0 0 1\r\nd120 drawer_start 12 0 0 4 1\r\nD130 drawer_end 13 0 0 4 1\r\nT81 koc_table 8 1 0 0 1\r\nc91 koc_chair 9 1 0 6 2\r\nr22 coatrack 2 2 0 0 1\r\nP62 pillar 6 2 0 4 1\r\nc82 koc_chair 8 2 0 0 2\r\nc122 koc_chair 12 2 0 2 2\r\nT132 koc_table 13 2 0 0 1\r\nc142 koc_chair 14 2 0 6 2\r\nP162 pillar 16 2 0 4 1\r\nD23 drawer_end 2 3 0 2 1\r\nc133 koc_chair 13 3 0 0 2\r\nc125 koc_chair 12 5 0 4 2\r\nc175 koc_chair 17 5 0 4 2\r\nd16 drawer_start 1 6 0 4 1\r\nD26 drawer_end 2 6 0 4 1\r\nc86 koc_chair 8 6 0 4 2\r\nc116 koc_chair 11 6 0 2 2\r\nT126 koc_table 12 6 0 0 1\r\nc136 koc_chair 13 6 0 6 2\r\nT176 koc_table 17 6 0 0 1\r\nc186 koc_chair 18 6 0 6 2\r\nT87 koc_table 8 7 0 0 1\r\nc97 koc_chair 9 7 0 6 2\r\nc127 koc_chair 12 7 0 0 2\r\nc177 koc_chair 17 7 0 0 2\r\nc88 koc_chair 8 8 0 0 2\r\nB59 koc_bartable_end 5 9 0 6 1\r\nb69 koc_bartable 6 9 0 5 1\r\nb610 koc_bartable 6 10 0 4 1\r\ns710 koc_stool 7 10 0 6 2\r\nb611 koc_bartable 6 11 0 4 1\r\ns711 koc_stool 7 11 0 6 2\r\nD312 drawer_end 3 12 0 2 1\r\nb612 koc_bartable 6 12 0 4 1\r\nd313 drawer_start 3 13 0 2 1\r\nb613 koc_bartable 6 13 0 4 1\r\ns713 koc_stool 7 13 0 6 2\r\nB614 koc_bartable_end 6 14 0 4 1\r\nP615 pillar 6 15 0 4 1\r\nc1315 koc_chair 13 15 0 4 2\r\nP1615 pillar 16 15 0 7 1\r\nC216 cupboard 2 16 0 0 1\r\nT816 koc_table 8 16 0 0 1\r\nc916 koc_chair 9 16 0 6 2\r\nT1316 koc_table 13 16 0 0 1\r\nc1416 koc_chair 14 16 0 6 2\r\nC217 cupboard 2 17 0 4 1\r\nc817 koc_chair 8 17 0 0 2\r\nc1317 koc_chair 13 17 0 0 2\r\nD218 drawer_end 2 18 0 2 1\r\nd219 drawer_start 2 19 0 2 1\r\nD319 drawer_end 3 19 0 0 1\r\nd419 drawer_start 4 19 0 0 1\r\nD519 drawer_end 5 19 0 0 1\r\nd619 drawer_start 6 19 0 0 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('93', 'lobby_a', '0', '12', '27', '1', '0', 'XXXXXXXXX77777777777XXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXX777777777777XXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXX777777777766XXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXX777777777755XXXX\r\nXX333333333333333334433XX\r\nXX333333333333333333333XX\r\nXX333333333333333333333XX\r\n33333333333333333333333XX\r\n333333XXXXXXX3333333333XX\r\n333333XXXXXXX2222222222XX\r\n333333XXXXXXX2222222222XX\r\nXX3333XXXXXXX2222222222XX\r\nXX3333XXXXXXX222222221111\r\nXX3333XXXXXXX111111111111\r\n333333XXXXXXX111111111111\r\n3333333222211111111111111\r\n3333333222211111111111111\r\n3333333222211111111111111\r\nXX33333222211111111111111\r\nXX33333222211111111111111\r\nXX3333322221111111XXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXX22221111111XXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXX22221111111XXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXX22221111111XXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXX22221111111XXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXX222X1111111XXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXX222X1111111XXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXXXXX11XXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXXXXX11XXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXXXXX11XXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXXXXX11XXXXXXXXXXX\r\n', 'f90 flower1 9 0 7 0 1\r\nS110 chairf2b 11 0 7 4 2\r\ns120 chairf2 12 0 7 4 2\r\nt130 table1 13 0 7 2 1\r\nS140 chairf2b 14 0 7 4 2\r\ns150 chairf2 15 0 7 4 2\r\nw160 watermatic 16 0 7 4 1\r\nT92 telkka 9 2 7 2 1 \r\nf93 flower1 9 3 7 0 1\r\nZ113 chairf2d 11 3 7 0 2\r\ns123 chairf2 12 3 7 0 2\r\nt133 table1 13 3 7 2 1\r\nZ143 chairf2d 14 3 7 0 2\r\ns153 chairf2 15 3 7 0 2\r\nf124 flower1 12 4 3 0 1\r\nf164 flower1 16 4 3 0 1\r\nS07 chairf2b 0 7 3 4 2\r\ns17 chairf2 1 7 3 4 2\r\nZ010 chairf2d 0 10 3 0 2\r\ns110 chairf2 1 10 3 0 2\r\nr2112 roommatic 21 12 1 4 1\r\nr2212 roommatic 22 12 1 4 1\r\nr2312 roommatic 23 12 1 4 1\r\nr2412 roommatic 24 12 1 4 1\r\nS014 chairf2b 0 14 3 4 2\r\ns114 chairf2 1 14 3 4 2\r\nw1314 watermatic 13 14 1 2 1\r\nw1215 watermatic 12 15 1 4 1\r\nc1916 chairf1 19 16 1 4 2\r\nC2116 table2c 21 16 1 2 1\r\nc2316 chairf1 23 16 1 4 2\r\nZ017 chairf2d 0 17 3 0 2\r\ns117 chairf2 1 17 3 0 2\r\nD2117 table2b 21 17 1 2 1\r\nc1918 chairf1 19 18 1 0 2\r\nd2118 table2 21 18 1 2 1\r\nc2318 chairf1 23 18 1 0 2\r\nS721 chairf2b 7 21 2 2 2\r\nz722 chairf2c 7 22 2 2 2\r\nz723 chairf2c 7 23 2 2 2\r\nz724 chairf2c 7 24 2 2 2\r\ns725 chairf2 7 25 2 2 2\r\nt726 table1 7 26 2 2 1\r\ne1026 flower2 10 26 1 2 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('94', 'floorlobby_c', '0', '9', '21', '0', '0', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXX0000000000000000XXXXXXX0\r\nXXX000000000000000000XXXX00\r\nX00000000000000000000000000\r\nX00000000000000000000000000\r\nXXX000000000000000000000000\r\nXXXXXXX00000000000000000000\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX1XX100000011111111111111\r\nXXX1XX100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\n', 'p32 moneyplant 3 2 0 0 1\r\nr52 roommatic 5 2 0 4 1\r\nr72 roommatic 7 2 0 4 1\r\nr92 roommatic 9 2 0 4 1\r\nr112 roommatic 11 2 0 4 1\r\nr132 roommatic 13 2 0 4 1\r\nw262 watermatic 26 2 0 4 1\r\ne148 edgec1 14 8 1 6 1\r\ne158 edgec1 15 8 1 0 1\r\ne168 edgec1 16 8 1 0 1\r\ne178 edgec1 17 8 1 0 1\r\ne188 edgec1 18 8 1 0 1\r\ne198 edgec1 19 8 1 0 1\r\ne208 edgec1 20 8 1 0 1\r\ne218 edgec1 21 8 1 0 1\r\ne228 edgec1 22 8 1 0 1\r\ne238 edgec1 23 8 1 0 1\r\ne248 edgec1 24 8 1 0 1\r\ne258 edgec1 25 8 1 0 1\r\ne268 edgec1 26 8 1 2 1\r\nc39 chairg1 3 9 1 2 2\r\nc59 chairg1 5 9 1 6 2\r\np159 moneyplant 15 9 1 0 1\r\nS169 chairg2b 16 9 1 4 2\r\nz179 chairg2c 17 9 1 4 2\r\ns189 chairg2 18 9 1 4 2\r\np199 moneyplant 19 9 1 4 1\r\np219 moneyplant 21 9 1 0 1\r\nS229 chairg2b 22 9 1 4 2\r\nz239 chairg2c 23 9 1 4 2\r\ns249 chairg2 24 9 1 4 2\r\np259 moneyplant 25 9 1 4 1\r\nc311 chairg1 3 11 1 2 2\r\nc511 chairg1 5 11 1 6 2\r\nt312 newtable2 3 12 1 0 1\r\nc1614 chairg1 16 14 1 4 2\r\nc1814 chairg1 18 14 1 4 2\r\nc2214 chairg1 22 14 1 4 2\r\nc2414 chairg1 24 14 1 4 2\r\nt1715 newtable2 17 15 1 0 1\r\nt2315 newtable2 23 15 1 0 1\r\nt316 newtable2 3 16 1 0 1\r\nc1616 chairg1 16 16 1 0 2\r\nc1816 chairg1 18 16 1 0 2\r\nc2216 chairg1 22 16 1 0 2\r\nc2416 chairg1 24 16 1 0 2\r\nc317 chairg1 3 17 1 2 2\r\nc517 chairg1 5 17 1 6 2\r\nE1418 edgec2 14 18 1 6 1\r\nE1518 edgec2 15 18 1 0 1\r\nE1618 edgec2 16 18 1 0 1\r\nE1718 edgec2 17 18 1 0 1\r\nE1818 edgec2 18 18 1 0 1\r\nE1918 edgec2 19 18 1 0 1\r\nE2018 edgec2 20 18 1 0 1\r\nE2118 edgec2 21 18 1 0 1\r\nE2218 edgec2 22 18 1 0 1\r\nE2318 edgec2 23 18 1 0 1\r\nE2418 edgec2 24 18 1 0 1\r\nE2518 edgec2 25 18 1 0 1\r\nE2618 edgec2 26 18 1 2 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('95', 'floorlobby_b', '0', '9', '21', '0', '0', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXX0000000000000000XXXXXXX0\r\nXXX000000000000000000XXXX00\r\nX00000000000000000000000000\r\nX00000000000000000000000000\r\nXXX000000000000000000000000\r\nXXXXXXX00000000000000000000\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX1XX100000011111111111111\r\nXXX1XX100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\n', 'p32 moneyplant 3 2 0 0 1\r\nr52 roommatic 5 2 0 4 1\r\nr72 roommatic 7 2 0 4 1\r\nr92 roommatic 9 2 0 4 1\r\nr112 roommatic 11 2 0 4 1\r\nr132 roommatic 13 2 0 4 1\r\nw262 watermatic 26 2 0 4 1\r\nl38 standinglamp 3 8 1 0 1\r\ne148 edgeb1 14 8 1 6 1\r\ne158 edgeb1 15 8 1 0 1\r\ne168 edgeb1 16 8 1 0 1\r\ne178 edgeb1 17 8 1 0 1\r\ne188 edgeb1 18 8 1 0 1\r\ne198 edgeb1 19 8 1 0 1\r\ne208 edgeb1 20 8 1 0 1\r\ne218 edgeb1 21 8 1 0 1\r\ne228 edgeb1 22 8 1 0 1\r\ne238 edgeb1 23 8 1 0 1\r\ne248 edgeb1 24 8 1 0 1\r\ne258 edgeb1 25 8 1 0 1\r\ne268 edgeb1 26 8 1 2 1\r\nS39 chairf2b 3 9 1 4 2\r\nz49 chairf2c 4 9 1 4 2\r\ns59 chairf2 5 9 1 4 2\r\np159 moneyplant 15 9 1 0 1\r\nS169 chairf2b 16 9 1 4 2\r\nz179 chairf2c 17 9 1 4 2\r\ns189 chairf2 18 9 1 4 2\r\np199 moneyplant 19 9 1 4 1\r\np219 moneyplant 21 9 1 0 1\r\nS229 chairf2b 22 9 1 4 2\r\nz239 chairf2c 23 9 1 4 2\r\ns249 chairf2 24 9 1 4 2\r\np259 moneyplant 25 9 1 4 1\r\nc311 chairf1 3 11 1 0 2\r\nt411 newtable1 4 11 1 0 1\r\nc511 chairf1 5 11 1 0 2\r\nc1614 chairf1 16 14 1 2 2\r\nc1814 chairf1 18 14 1 6 2\r\nc2214 chairf1 22 14 1 2 2\r\nc2414 chairf1 24 14 1 6 2\r\nt1715 newtable1 17 15 1 0 1\r\nt2315 newtable1 23 15 1 0 1\r\nt316 newtable1 3 16 1 0 1\r\nc1616 chairf1 16 16 1 2 2\r\nc1816 chairf1 18 16 1 6 2\r\nc2216 chairf1 22 16 1 2 2\r\nc2416 chairf1 24 16 1 6 2\r\nc317 chairf1 3 17 1 2 2\r\nc517 chairf1 5 17 1 6 2\r\nl318 standinglamp 3 18 1 0 1\r\nE1418 edgeb2 14 18 1 6 1\r\nE1518 edgeb2 15 18 1 0 1\r\nE1618 edgeb2 16 18 1 0 1\r\nE1718 edgeb2 17 18 1 0 1\r\nE1818 edgeb2 18 18 1 0 1\r\nE1918 edgeb2 19 18 1 0 1\r\nE2018 edgeb2 20 18 1 0 1\r\nE2118 edgeb2 21 18 1 0 1\r\nE2218 edgeb2 22 18 1 0 1\r\nE2318 edgeb2 23 18 1 0 1\r\nE2418 edgeb2 24 18 1 0 1\r\nE2518 edgeb2 25 18 1 0 1\r\nE2618 edgeb2 26 18 1 2 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('96', 'floorlobby_a', '0', '9', '21', '0', '0', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXX0000000000000000XXXXXXX0\r\nXXX000000000000000000XXXX00\r\nX00000000000000000000000000\r\nX00000000000000000000000000\r\nXXX000000000000000000000000\r\nXXXXXXX00000000000000000000\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX1XX100000011111111111111\r\nXXX1XX100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXX111100000011111111111111\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\nXXXXXXXX0000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\r\n', 'p32 moneyplant 3 2 0 0 1\r\nr52 roommatic 5 2 0 4 1\r\nr72 roommatic 7 2 0 4 1\r\nr92 roommatic 9 2 0 4 1\r\nr112 roommatic 11 2 0 4 1\r\nr132 roommatic 13 2 0 4 1\r\nw262 watermatic 26 2 0 4 1\r\nl38 standinglamp 3 8 1 0 1\r\ne148 edge1 14 8 1 6 1\r\ne158 edge1 15 8 1 0 1\r\ne168 edge1 16 8 1 0 1\r\ne178 edge1 17 8 1 0 1\r\ne188 edge1 18 8 1 0 1\r\ne198 edge1 19 8 1 0 1\r\ne208 edge1 20 8 1 0 1\r\ne218 edge1 21 8 1 0 1\r\ne228 edge1 22 8 1 0 1\r\ne238 edge1 23 8 1 0 1\r\ne248 edge1 24 8 1 0 1\r\ne258 edge1 25 8 1 0 1\r\ne268 edge1 26 8 1 2 1\r\nc39 chairf1 3 9 1 2 2\r\nc59 chairf1 5 9 1 6 2\r\np159 moneyplant 15 9 1 0 1\r\nS169 chairf2b 16 9 1 4 2\r\nz179 chairf2c 17 9 1 4 2\r\ns189 chairf2 18 9 1 4 2\r\np199 moneyplant 19 9 1 4 1\r\np219 moneyplant 21 9 1 0 1\r\nS229 chairf2b 22 9 1 4 2\r\nz239 chairf2c 23 9 1 4 2\r\ns249 chairf2 24 9 1 4 2\r\np259 moneyplant 25 9 1 4 1\r\nc311 chairf1 3 11 1 2 2\r\nc511 chairf1 5 11 1 6 2\r\nt312 newtable1 3 12 1 0 1\r\nc1614 chairf1 16 14 1 4 2\r\nc1814 chairf1 18 14 1 4 2\r\nc2214 chairf1 22 14 1 4 2\r\nc2414 chairf1 24 14 1 4 2\r\nt1715 newtable1 17 15 1 0 1\r\nt2315 newtable1 23 15 1 0 1\r\nt316 newtable1 3 16 1 0 1\r\nc1616 chairf1 16 16 1 0 2\r\nc1816 chairf1 18 16 1 0 2\r\nc2216 chairf1 22 16 1 0 2\r\nc2416 chairf1 24 16 1 0 2\r\nc317 chairf1 3 17 1 2 2\r\nc517 chairf1 5 17 1 6 2\r\nl318 standinglamp 3 18 1 0 1\r\nE1418 edge2 14 18 1 6 1\r\nE1518 edge2 15 18 1 0 1\r\nE1618 edge2 16 18 1 0 1\r\nE1718 edge2 17 18 1 0 1\r\nE1818 edge2 18 18 1 0 1\r\nE1918 edge2 19 18 1 0 1\r\nE2018 edge2 20 18 1 0 1\r\nE2118 edge2 21 18 1 0 1\r\nE2218 edge2 22 18 1 0 1\r\nE2318 edge2 23 18 1 0 1\r\nE2418 edge2 24 18 1 0 1\r\nE2518 edge2 25 18 1 0 1\r\nE2618 edge2 26 18 1 2 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('97', 'cinema_a', '0', '20', '27', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxx1xx11111111xxxxxx\r\nxxx1111111111111111xxxxx\r\nxxx111xxxx1111111111xxxx\r\nxxxx2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxx3x3x333311xxxxxxxxxx11\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111122111\r\nxx3333333311x22222222111\r\nxx3333333311x22222222111\r\nxx3333333311xxxxxxxxx111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111111111111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\nxx3333333311111xxxx11111\r\n333333332111111xxxx11111\r\n333333332111111111111111\r\n333333332111111111111111\r\n333333332111111111111111\r\nxx3333332111111111111111\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111\r\n', 'C24 orange 2 4 3 0 1\r\nA74 loungey_chair 7 4 3 2 2\r\nV84 loungey_tablebigb 8 4 3 0 1\r\nA94 loungey_chair 9 4 3 6 2\r\nA25 loungey_chair 2 5 3 4 2\r\nA75 loungey_chair 7 5 3 2 2\r\nU85 loungey_tablebiga 8 5 3 0 1\r\nA95 loungey_chair 9 5 3 6 2\r\nB26 loungey_table 2 6 3 0 1\r\nA27 loungey_chair 2 7 3 0 2\r\nh137 theater_chair 13 7 1 0 2\r\nh147 theater_chair 14 7 1 0 2\r\nh157 theater_chair 15 7 1 0 2\r\nh167 theater_chair 16 7 1 0 2\r\nh177 theater_chair 17 7 1 0 2\r\nh187 theater_chair 18 7 1 0 2\r\nz217 stair 21 7 1 0 1\r\nL98 lightpole 9 8 3 0 1\r\nq138 pomomaski 13 8 2 2 1\r\nq148 pomomaski 14 8 2 0 1\r\nq158 pomomaski 15 8 2 0 1\r\nq168 pomomaski 16 8 2 0 1\r\nq178 pomomaski 17 8 2 0 1\r\nq188 pomomaski 18 8 2 0 1\r\nq198 pomomaski 19 8 2 1 1\r\nz218 stair 21 8 1 0 1\r\nC29 orange 2 9 3 0 1\r\nh139 theater_chair 13 9 2 0 2\r\nh149 theater_chair 14 9 2 0 2\r\nh159 theater_chair 15 9 2 0 2\r\nh169 theater_chair 16 9 2 0 2\r\nh179 theater_chair 17 9 2 0 2\r\nh189 theater_chair 18 9 2 0 2\r\nh199 theater_chair 19 9 2 0 2\r\nh209 theater_chair 20 9 2 0 2 \r\nz219 stair 21 9 1 0 1\r\nA210 loungey_chair 2 10 3 4 2\r\nA910 loungey_chair 9 10 3 4 2\r\nB211 loungey_table 2 11 3 0 1\r\nB911 loungey_table 9 11 3 0 1\r\nA212 loungey_chair 2 12 3 0 2\r\nA912 loungey_chair 9 12 3 0 2\r\nd1712 cubicb_chair 17 12 1 6 2\r\nc1912 cubico_chair 19 12 1 2 2\r\nd1513 cubicb_chair 15 13 1 2 2\r\nL1913 lightpole 19 13 1 0 1\r\nd2013 cubicb_chair 20 13 1 6 2\r\nL914 lightpole 9 14 3 0 1\r\nA215 loungey_chair 2 15 3 4 2\r\nd1415 cubicb_chair 14 15 1 4 2\r\nc1915 cubico_chair 19 15 1 4 2\r\nB216 loungey_table 2 16 3 0 1\r\nA716 loungey_chair 7 16 3 2 2\r\nB816 loungey_table 8 16 3 2 1\r\nA916 loungey_chair 9 16 3 6 2\r\nd1316 cubicb_chair 13 16 1 2 2\r\nd1416 cubicb_chair 14 16 1 6 2\r\nC1916 orange 19 16 1 0 1\r\nA217 loungey_chair 2 17 3 0 2\r\nA717 loungey_chair 7 17 3 2 2\r\nB817 loungey_table 8 17 3 2 1\r\nA917 loungey_chair 9 17 3 6 2\r\nd1917 cubicb_chair 19 17 1 2 2\r\nC218 orange 2 18 3 0 1\r\nd1418 cubicb_chair 14 18 1 4 2\r\nK219 bardesque 2 19 3 0 1\r\nK220 bardesque 2 20 3 1 1\r\nb320 bar_chair 3 20 3 6 2\r\nL920 lightpole 9 20 3 0 1\r\nd1420 cubicb_chair 14 20 1 0 2\r\nd1920 cubicb_chair 19 20 1 2 2\r\nc2020 cubico_chair 20 20 1 6 2\r\nK221 bardesque 2 21 3 1 1\r\nb321 bar_chair 3 21 3 6 2\r\nd1921 cubicb_chair 19 21 1 0 2\r\nK222 bardesque 2 22 3 1 1\r\nb322 bar_chair 3 22 3 6 2\r\nL1622 lightpole 16 22 1 0 1\r\nc1822 cubico_chair 18 22 1 0 2\r\nK223 bardesque 2 23 3 1 1\r\nb323 bar_chair 3 23 3 6 2\r\nK224 bardesque 2 24 3 1 1\r\nb324 bar_chair 3 24 3 6 2\r\nK225 bardesque 2 25 3 2 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('98', 'sport', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '111222222222222222x2222\r\nx11222222222222222x2222\r\nx11222222222222222x2222\r\nxx1x2222222222222211111\r\nx11xx222222222222211111\r\nx11xx222222x22222211111\r\nx11xx222222x222222x1111\r\nx11xx222222x222222x1111\r\nx11xx2222222222222x1111\r\nx11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111\r\nx1111111111111111111111\r\nx1111111111111111111111\r\nx1111111111111111111111\r\nx1111111111111111111111\r\nxxxx1111111111111x1111x\r\n111x1111111111111x1111x\r\n111x1111111111111x1111x\r\n111x1111111111111x1111x\r\n111x11111xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nx11x1111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxx111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n', 'c60 sodagreen 6 0 2 0 1\r\nd80 sodapink 8 0 2 0 1\r\nb90 sportchair 9 0 2 4 2\r\nb100 sportchair 10 0 2 4 2\r\ne202 dummychair 20 2 2 4 2\r\ne212 dummychair 21 2 2 4 2\r\ne222 dummychair 22 2 2 4 2\r\nb15 sportchair 1 5 1 4 2\r\nb75 sportchair 7 5 2 4 2\r\nb155 sportchair 15 5 2 4 2\r\na16 sporttable 1 6 1 0 1\r\nb66 sportchair 6 6 2 2 2\r\na76 sporttable 7 6 2 0 1\r\nf86 sportchair2 8 6 2 6 2\r\nb146 sportchair 14 6 2 2 2\r\na156 sporttable 15 6 2 0 1\r\nf166 sportchair2 16 6 2 6 2\r\ng17 sportchair3 1 7 1 0 2\r\ng77 sportchair3 7 7 2 0 2\r\ng157 sportchair3 15 7 2 0 2\r\nb110 sportchair 1 10 1 4 2\r\na111 sporttable 1 11 1 0 1\r\ng112 sportchair3 1 12 1 0 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
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INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('103', 'bar_a', '0', '5', '1', '7', '0', 'xxxx8888xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxx7777xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxx6666xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx6666666555xxxxxx\r\nxxx6666666555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555xxxxxx\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555555555\r\nxxx5555555555xxxxxx\r\nxxxx555555555555555\r\n55xx555555555555555\r\n55xx555555555555555\r\n5555555555555555555\r\n5555555555555555555\r\nxxxxxxxx55555xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx5555xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx5555xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx5555xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx4444xxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxx3333xxxxxx\r\n', 'a123 lounge_chair_small 12 3 5 2 2\r\nD133 lounge_table_one 13 3 5 0 1\r\na143 lounge_chair_small 14 3 5 6 2\r\na134 lounge_chair_small 13 4 5 0 2\r\na185 lounge_chair_small 18 5 5 4 2\r\na176 lounge_chair_small 17 6 5 2 2\r\nD186 lounge_table_one 18 6 5 0 1\r\na187 lounge_chair_small 18 7 5 0 2\r\nd1311 lounge_private_bigback 13 11 5 3 1\r\ne1411 lounge_private_bigsofaback 14 11 5 4 2\r\ne1511 lounge_private_bigsofaback 15 11 5 4 2\r\ne1611 lounge_private_bigsofaback 16 11 5 4 2\r\ne1711 lounge_private_bigsofaback 17 11 5 4 2 \r\nd1811 lounge_private_bigback 18 11 5 5 1\r\nb1812 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 12 5 6 2\r\nA1413 lounge_table_threea 14 13 5 0 1\r\nB1513 lounge_table_threeb 15 13 5 0 1\r\nC1613 lounge_table_threec 16 13 5 0 1\r\nb1813 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 13 5 6 2\r\nb1814 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 14 5 6 2\r\nc1315 lounge_private_bigcorner 13 15 5 1 1\r\nb1415 lounge_private_bigsofa 14 15 5 0 2\r\nb1515 lounge_private_bigsofa 15 15 5 0 2\r\nb1615 lounge_private_bigsofa 16 15 5 0 2\r\nb1715 lounge_private_bigsofa 17 15 5 0 2\r\nc1815 lounge_private_bigcorner 18 15 5 7 1\r\na316 lounge_chair_small 3 16 5 4 2\r\na816 lounge_chair_small 8 16 5 4 2\r\nD317 lounge_table_one 3 17 5 0 1\r\na417 lounge_chair_small 4 17 5 6 2\r\na717 lounge_chair_small 7 17 5 2 2\r\nD817 lounge_table_one 8 17 5 0 1\r\na917 lounge_chair_small 9 17 5 6 2\r\nc1317 lounge_private_bigcorner 13 17 5 3 1\r\nb1417 lounge_private_bigsofa 14 17 5 4 2\r\nb1517 lounge_private_bigsofa 15 17 5 4 2\r\nb1617 lounge_private_bigsofa 16 17 5 4 2\r\nb1717 lounge_private_bigsofa 17 17 5 4 2\r\nc1817 lounge_private_bigcorner 18 17 5 5 1\r\na318 lounge_chair_small 3 18 5 0 2\r\na818 lounge_chair_small 8 18 5 0 2\r\nb1818 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 18 5 6 2\r\nA1419 lounge_table_threea 14 19 5 0 1\r\nB1519 lounge_table_threeb 15 19 5 0 1\r\nC1619 lounge_table_threec 16 19 5 0 1\r\nb1819 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 19 5 6 2\r\nb1820 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 20 5 6 2\r\nc1321 lounge_private_bigcorner 13 21 5 1 1\r\nb1421 lounge_private_bigsofa 14 21 5 0 2\r\nb1521 lounge_private_bigsofa 15 21 5 0 2\r\nb1621 lounge_private_bigsofa 16 21 5 0 2\r\nb1721 lounge_private_bigsofa 17 21 5 0 2\r\nc1821 lounge_private_bigcorner 18 21 5 7 1\r\n1423 lounge_bara 4 23 5 6 1\r\n1523 lounge_bara 5 23 5 5 1\r\n1623 lounge_bara 6 23 5 4 1\r\n1723 lounge_bara 7 23 5 3 1\r\nc1323 lounge_private_bigcorner 13 23 5 3 1\r\nb1423 lounge_private_bigsofa 14 23 5 4 2\r\nb1523 lounge_private_bigsofa 15 23 5 4 2\r\nb1623 lounge_private_bigsofa 16 23 5 4 2\r\nb1723 lounge_private_bigsofa 17 23 5 4 2\r\nc1823 lounge_private_bigcorner 18 23 5 5 1\r\n1724 lounge_bara 7 24 5 2 1\r\nb1824 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 24 5 6 2\r\n1725 lounge_bara 7 25 5 2 1\r\nA1425 lounge_table_threea 14 25 5 0 1\r\nB1525 lounge_table_threeb 15 25 5 0 1\r\nC1625 lounge_table_threec 16 25 5 0 1\r\nb1825 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 25 5 6 2\r\n1726 lounge_bara 7 26 5 2 1\r\nb1826 lounge_private_bigsofa 18 26 5 6 2\r\n1727 lounge_bara 7 27 5 2 1\r\nc1327 lounge_private_bigcorner 13 27 5 1 1\r\nb1427 lounge_private_bigsofa 14 27 5 0 2\r\nb1527 lounge_private_bigsofa 15 27 5 0 2\r\nb1627 lounge_private_bigsofa 16 27 5 0 2\r\nb1727 lounge_private_bigsofa 17 27 5 0 2\r\nc1827 lounge_private_bigcorner 18 27 5 7 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('104', 'bar_b', '0', '2', '12', '4', '0', 'xxxxx4xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxx4444444xxxxxxx\r\nxxxx4444444xxxxxxx\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\n654444444444444444\r\n654444444444444444\r\n654444444444444444\r\n654444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxx444444444444444\r\nxxxx44444444444444\r\nxxxx33444444444444\r\nxxxx22444444444444\r\nxxxx2222222222xx44\r\nxxxx2222222222xx44\r\nxxxxx222222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxx22222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxx22222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxx22222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxx22222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxx22222222xxxx\r\nxxxxxx22222222xxxx\r\n', 'z42 stair 4 2 4 2 1\r\nz52 stair 5 2 4 2 1\r\nz62 stair 6 2 4 2 1\r\nz72 stair 7 2 4 2 1\r\nz82 stair 8 2 4 2 1\r\nz92 stair 9 2 4 2 1\r\nz102 stair 10 2 4 2 1\r\nz112 stair 11 2 100000 2 1\r\nf33 pub_pineapple_small 3 3 4 0 1\r\nj123 fatsblox 12 3 4 4 1\r\ng133 fatsofaa 13 3 4 4 2\r\ng143 fatsofaa 14 3 4 4 2\r\ng153 fatsofaa 15 3 4 4 2\r\ng163 fatsofaa 16 3 4 4 2\r\nj173 fatsblox 17 3 4 0 1\r\nj34 fatsblox 3 4 4 2 1\r\ng35 fatsofaa 3 5 4 2 2\r\ng36 fatsofaa 3 6 4 2 2\r\na86 lounge_chair_small 8 6 4 2 2\r\nD96 lounge_table_one 9 6 4 0 1\r\na106 lounge_chair_small 10 6 4 6 2\r\ng37 fatsofaa 3 7 4 2 2\r\na97 lounge_chair_small 9 7 4 0 2\r\ng38 fatsofaa 3 8 4 2 2\r\na158 lounge_chair_small 15 8 4 4 2\r\nj39 fatsblox 3 9 4 6 1\r\na149 lounge_chair_small 14 9 4 2 2\r\nD159 lounge_table_one 15 9 4 0 1\r\na1510 lounge_chair_small 15 10 4 0 2\r\na1011 lounge_chair_small 10 11 4 4 2\r\na912 lounge_chair_small 9 12 4 2 2\r\nD1012 lounge_table_one 10 12 4 0 1\r\na1112 lounge_chair_small 11 12 4 6 2\r\na1013 lounge_chair_small 10 13 4 0 2\r\na1514 lounge_chair_small 15 14 4 4 2\r\na1415 lounge_chair_small 14 15 4 2 2\r\nD1515 lounge_table_one 15 15 4 0 1\r\na816 lounge_chair_small 8 16 4 4 2\r\na1516 lounge_chair_small 15 16 4 0 2\r\nD817 lounge_table_one 8 17 4 0 1\r\na818 lounge_chair_small 8 18 4 0 2\r\nz419 stair 4 19 4 0 1\r\nz519 stair 5 19 4 0 1\r\na1219 lounge_chair_small 12 19 4 2 2\r\nD1319 lounge_table_one 13 19 4 0 1\r\na1419 lounge_chair_small 14 19 4 6 2\r\nz420 stair 4 20 3 0 1\r\nz520 stair 5 20 3 0 1\r\nz421 stair 4 21 2 0 1\r\nz521 stair 5 21 2 0 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('105', 'habburger', '0', '22', '10', '0', '0', '22222222222222222222xxx\r\n22222222222222222222xxx\r\n22222222222222222222xxx\r\n22222222222222222222xxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111xxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxx\r\nxxx00000000000000000xxx\r\n00000000000000000000xxx\r\n00000000000000000000xxx\r\n00000000000000000000000\r\n00000000000000000000000\r\n00000000000000000000xxx\r\n00000000000000000000xxx\r\n00000000000000000000xxx\r\nxxx00000000000000000xxx\r\n', 's00 sofa 0 0 2 2 2\r\nt10 table 1 0 2 4 1\r\ns20 sofa 2 0 2 6 2\r\ns60 sofa 6 0 2 2 2\r\nk70 tablesp 7 0 2 4 1\r\ns80 sofa 8 0 2 6 2\r\ns120 sofa 12 0 2 2 2\r\nt130 table 13 0 2 4 1\r\ns140 sofa 14 0 2 6 2\r\nc150 trashcan 15 0 2 0 1\r\nS01 sofa2 0 1 2 2 2\r\nT11 table2 1 1 2 4 1\r\nS21 sofa2 2 1 2 6 2\r\nS61 sofa2 6 1 2 2 2\r\nT71 table2 7 1 2 4 1\r\nS81 sofa2 8 1 2 6 2\r\nS121 sofa2 12 1 2 2 2\r\nT131 table2 13 1 2 4 1\r\nS141 sofa2 14 1 2 6 2\r\np27 bardesk3 2 7 0 0 1\r\ns77 sofa 7 7 0 4 2\r\nS87 sofa2 8 7 0 4 2\r\ns127 sofa 12 7 0 4 2\r\nS137 sofa2 13 7 0 4 2\r\nP28 bardesk4 2 8 0 0 1\r\nk78 tablesp 7 8 0 2 1\r\nT88 table2 8 8 0 2 1\r\nt128 table 12 8 0 2 1\r\nT138 table2 13 8 0 2 1\r\nd29 bardesk 2 9 0 0 1\r\ns79 sofa 7 9 0 0 2\r\nS89 sofa2 8 9 0 0 2\r\ns129 sofa 12 9 0 0 2\r\nS139 sofa2 13 9 0 0 2\r\nD210 bardesk2 2 10 0 0 1\r\nd211 bardesk 2 11 0 0 1\r\nd212 bardesk 2 12 0 0 1\r\ns712 sofa 7 12 0 4 2\r\nS812 sofa2 8 12 0 4 2\r\ns1212 sofa 12 12 0 4 2\r\nS1312 sofa2 13 12 0 4 2\r\nd213 bardesk 2 13 0 0 1\r\nt713 table 7 13 0 2 1\r\nT813 table2 8 13 0 2 1\r\nk1213 tablesp 12 13 0 2 1\r\nT1313 table2 13 13 0 2 1\r\ns714 sofa 7 14 0 0 2\r\nS814 sofa2 8 14 0 0 2\r\ns1214 sofa 12 14 0 0 2\r\nS1314 sofa2 13 14 0 0 2', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('106', 'pizza', '0', '5', '27', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxx0000000\r\nx11111x1xx000000\r\n11xxxxx111x00000\r\n11x1111111xx0000\r\n11x1111111100000\r\nxxx1111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n1111111111100000\r\n11111111111xxxxx\r\n1111111111xxxxxx\r\n1111111111111111\r\n1111111111111111\r\n1111111111111111\r\n1111111111111111\r\n1111111111111111\r\n1111111111111111\r\n11xx11xx11111111\r\nxxxx11xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxx11xxxxxxxxxx\r\n', 'a150 pizza_plant1 15 0 0 2 1\r\ne143 pizza_sofa1 14 3 0 4 2\r\nE153 pizza_sofa2 15 3 0 4 2\r\nc155 pizza_table 15 5 0 2 1\r\nb06 pizza_plant2 0 6 1 2 1\r\nf146 pizza_sofa3 14 6 0 0 2\r\nF156 pizza_sofa4 15 6 0 0 2\r\nd18 pizza_chair 1 8 1 4 2\r\nd28 pizza_chair 2 8 1 4 2\r\nc210 pizza_table 2 10 1 2 1\r\ne1410 pizza_sofa1 14 10 0 4 2\r\nE1510 pizza_sofa2 15 10 0 4 2\r\nd111 pizza_chair 1 11 1 0 2\r\nd211 pizza_chair 2 11 1 0 2\r\nc1512 pizza_table 15 12 0 2 1\r\nf1413 pizza_sofa3 14 13 0 0 2\r\nF1513 pizza_sofa4 15 13 0 0 2\r\nd116 pizza_chair 1 16 1 4 2\r\nd216 pizza_chair 2 16 1 4 2\r\nc218 pizza_table 2 18 1 2 1\r\nd119 pizza_chair 1 19 1 0 2\r\nd219 pizza_chair 2 19 1 0 2\r\nd1121 pizza_chair 11 21 1 2 2\r\nd1421 pizza_chair 14 21 1 6 2\r\nd1122 pizza_chair 11 22 1 2 2\r\nc1322 pizza_table 13 22 1 0 1\r\nd1422 pizza_chair 14 22 1 6 2\r\na025 pizza_plant1 0 25 1 2 1\r\na1525 pizza_plant1 15 25 1 2 1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('107', 'bb_lobby_1', '0', '14', '19', '0', '0', 'xxx2222222222222222x\r\nxxx2222222222222222x\r\nxxx2222222222222222x\r\nxxx2222222222222222x\r\nxxx11111111111111111\r\n11x11111111111111111\r\n11x11111111111111111\r\n11x11111111111111111\r\nx1x11111111111111111\r\nxxx11111111111111111\r\nxxx11111111111111111\r\nxxx11111111111111111\r\nxxx11111111111111111\r\nxxx11111111111111111\r\nxxxxxxxxx00000000000\r\nxxxxxxxxx00000000000\r\nxxxxxxxxx00000000000\r\nxxxxxxxxx00000000000\r\nxxxxxxxxx00000000000\r\nxxxxxxxxx00000000000\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx000xxxx', 'n30 bb_crossrd 3 0 2 2 1\r\nb40 bb_bench1 4 0 2 4 2\r\nc50 bb_bench2 5 0 2 4 2\r\nh80 bb_plant1 8 0 2 0 1\r\nd90 bb_sofa1 9 0 2 4 2\r\ne100 bb_sofa2 10 0 2 4 2\r\nh110 bb_plant1 11 0 2 0 1\r\nd120 bb_sofa1 12 0 2 4 2\r\ne130 bb_sofa2 13 0 2 4 2\r\nh140 bb_plant1 14 0 2 0 1\r\nb160 bb_bench1 16 0 2 4 2\r\nc170 bb_bench2 17 0 2 4 2\r\nk180 bb_corner1out 18 0 2 0 1\r\nb31 bb_bench1 3 1 2 2 2\r\no181 bb_wallend1in 18 1 2 2 1\r\nc32 bb_bench2 3 2 2 2 2\r\no182 bb_wallend1in 18 2 2 2 1\r\nj33 bb_plant3 3 3 2 0 1\r\nt73 bb_special 7 3 2 6 1\r\no83 bb_wallend1in 8 3 2 6 1\r\no93 bb_wallend1in 9 3 2 6 1\r\no103 bb_wallend1in 10 3 2 6 1\r\no113 bb_wallend1in 11 3 2 6 1\r\nn123 bb_crossrd 12 3 2 2 1\r\nn163 bb_crossrd 16 3 2 0 1\r\no173 bb_wallend1in 17 3 2 6 1\r\nn183 bb_crossrd 18 3 2 2 1\r\np34 bb_wallend2in 3 4 1 4 1\r\no74 bb_wallend1in 7 4 1 4 1\r\nb84 bb_bench1 8 4 1 4 2\r\nc94 bb_bench2 9 4 1 4 2\r\nb104 bb_bench1 10 4 1 4 2\r\nc114 bb_bench2 11 4 1 4 2\r\np124 bb_wallend2in 12 4 1 4 1\r\no164 bb_wallend1in 16 4 1 4 1\r\nb174 bb_bench1 17 4 1 4 2\r\nc184 bb_bench2 18 4 1 4 2\r\nm194 bb_wallendout 19 4 1 4 1\r\na75 bb_stool 7 5 1 2 2\r\na125 bb_stool 12 5 1 6 2\r\nb195 bb_bench1 19 5 1 6 2\r\na36 bb_stool 3 6 1 6 2\r\nc196 bb_bench2 19 6 1 6 2\r\nf97 bb_chair 9 7 1 4 2\r\nf107 bb_chair 10 7 1 4 2\r\nb177 bb_bench1 17 7 1 0 2\r\nc187 bb_bench2 18 7 1 0 2\r\nm197 bb_wallendout 19 7 1 0 1\r\na38 bb_stool 3 8 1 6 2\r\nu178 bb_extra 17 8 1 4 1\r\nu188 bb_extra 18 8 1 2 1\r\nn198 bb_crossrd 19 8 1 6 1\r\na39 bb_stool 3 9 1 6 2\r\nf99 bb_chair 9 9 1 0 2\r\nf109 bb_chair 10 9 1 0 2\r\nb179 bb_bench1 17 9 1 4 2\r\nc189 bb_bench2 18 9 1 4 2\r\nm199 bb_wallendout 19 9 1 4 1\r\nb1910 bb_bench1 19 10 1 6 2\r\na711 bb_stool 7 11 1 2 2\r\na1211 bb_stool 12 11 1 6 2\r\nc1911 bb_bench2 19 11 1 6 2\r\no712 bb_wallend1in 7 12 1 0 1\r\nb812 bb_bench1 8 12 1 0 2\r\nc912 bb_bench2 9 12 1 0 2\r\nb1012 bb_bench1 10 12 1 0 2\r\nc1112 bb_bench2 11 12 1 0 2\r\np1212 bb_wallend2in 12 12 1 0 1\r\nb1712 bb_bench1 17 12 1 0 2\r\nc1812 bb_bench2 18 12 1 0 2\r\nm1912 bb_wallendout 19 12 1 0 1\r\nk713 bb_corner1out 7 13 1 4 1\r\nl813 bb_wallout 8 13 1 6 1\r\nl913 bb_wallout 9 13 1 6 1\r\nl1013 bb_wallout 10 13 1 6 1\r\nl1113 bb_wallout 11 13 1 6 1\r\nt1213 bb_special 12 13 1 2 1\r\nm1613 bb_wallendout 16 13 1 6 1\r\nl1713 bb_wallout 17 13 1 6 1\r\nl1813 bb_wallout 18 13 1 6 1\r\nk1913 bb_corner1out 19 13 1 2 1\r\ng914 bb_plant0 9 14 0 6 1\r\nd1014 bb_sofa1 10 14 0 4 2\r\ne1114 bb_sofa2 11 14 0 4 2\r\ni1214 bb_plant2 12 14 0 0 1\r\ni1614 bb_plant2 16 14 0 6 1\r\nd1714 bb_sofa1 17 14 0 4 2\r\ne1814 bb_sofa2 18 14 0 4 2\r\ng1914 bb_plant0 19 14 0 0 1\r\nd915 bb_sofa1 9 15 0 2 2\r\nd1915 bb_sofa1 19 15 0 6 2\r\ne916 bb_sofa2 9 16 0 2 2\r\ne1916 bb_sofa2 19 16 0 6 2\r\nd917 bb_sofa1 9 17 0 2 2\r\nd1917 bb_sofa1 19 17 0 6 2\r\ne918 bb_sofa2 9 18 0 2 2\r\ne1918 bb_sofa2 19 18 0 6 2\r\ng919 bb_plant0 9 19 0 4 1\r\nd1019 bb_sofa1 10 19 0 0 2\r\ne1119 bb_sofa2 11 19 0 0 2\r\nj1219 bb_plant3 12 19 0 2 1\r\nj1619 bb_plant3 16 19 0 4 1\r\nd1719 bb_sofa1 17 19 0 0 2\r\ne1819 bb_sofa2 18 19 0 0 2\r\ng1919 bb_plant0 19 19 0 2 1', '0', '', '0', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata VALUES ('108', 'snowwar_lobby_1', '0', '41', '36', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111xx1xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111xx1111xxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111111111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1111x1111111111xxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'a3118 sw_barrellchair 31 18 1 6 2\r\na3119 sw_barrellchair 31 19 1 6 2\r\na3020 sw_barrellchair 30 20 1 0 2\r\na3720 sw_barrellchair 37 20 1 0 2\r\na3920 sw_barrellchair 39 20 1 0 2\r\na4120 sw_barrellchair 41 20 1 0 2\r\nd3024 sw_chair1 30 24 1 4 2\r\nc3124 sw_chair2 31 24 1 4 2\r\nc3224 sw_chair2 32 24 1 4 2\r\nc3324 sw_chair2 33 24 1 4 2\r\nb3424 sw_chair3 34 24 1 4 2\r\ni3025 sw_table1 30 25 1 0 1\r\nh3125 sw_table2 31 25 1 0 1\r\ng3225 sw_table3 32 25 1 0 1\r\nf3325 sw_table4 33 25 1 0 1\r\ne3425 sw_table5 34 25 1 0 1\r\nd3026 sw_chair1 30 26 1 0 2\r\nc3126 sw_chair2 31 26 1 0 2\r\nc3226 sw_chair2 32 26 1 0 2\r\nc3326 sw_chair2 33 26 1 0 2\r\nb3426 sw_chair3 34 26 1 0 2\r\nd3029 sw_chair1 30 29 1 4 2\r\nc3129 sw_chair2 31 29 1 4 2\r\nc3229 sw_chair2 32 29 1 4 2\r\nc3329 sw_chair2 33 29 1 4 2\r\nb3429 sw_chair3 34 29 1 4 2\r\ni3030 sw_table1 30 30 1 0 1\r\nh3130 sw_table2 31 30 1 0 1\r\ng3230 sw_table3 32 30 1 0 1\r\nf3330 sw_table4 33 30 1 0 1\r\ne3430 sw_table5 34 30 1 0 1\r\nd3031 sw_chair1 30 31 1 0 2\r\nc3131 sw_chair2 31 31 1 0 2\r\nc3231 sw_chair2 32 31 1 0 2\r\nc3331 sw_chair2 33 31 1 0 2\r\nb3431 sw_chair3 34 31 1 0 2\r\nx2732 invisichair 27 32 1 2 2\r\nx2733 invisichair 27 33 1 2 2\r\nx2734 invisichair 27 34 1 2 2\r\nx2836 invisichair 28 36 1 0 2\r\nx2936 invisichair 29 36 1 0 2\r\nx3036 invisichair 30 36 1 0 2\r\nx3136 invisichair 31 36 1 0 2', '0', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `room_modeldata_triggers`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `room_modeldata_triggers`;
CREATE TABLE `room_modeldata_triggers` (
  `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `model` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `x` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
  `y` tinyint(2) NOT NULL

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of room_modeldata_triggers
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO room_modeldata_triggers VALUES ('curtains1', 'pool_a', '17', '11');
INSERT INTO room_modeldata_triggers VALUES ('curtains2', 'pool_a', '17', '9');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `vouchers`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `vouchers` (
  `code` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  `reward` int(7) NOT NULL,
  `onlyweb` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`code`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of vouchers
-- ----------------------------