The hotel is a great place to meet people and you're bound to make some good friends here. But you need to bear in mind that these friends are people you've never met and however well you feel you know them, you don't really know what they are like in real life. That's not to say they aren't great people - they most likely are - but you need to be careful all the same.
By following our top chat tips, you can have fun and be safe:
Don't give out your personal details
Never tell anyone your home address, telephone number, email address or mobile phone number. Use your Habbo Console to keep in touch with your friends - not only can you send instant messages, you can also send SMS and email, all without needing to swop email addresses and mobile numbers.
Don't meet in real life
With all the different rooms in Habbo Hotel, there really is no need to meet IRL. And how do you know that the person you've been talking to really is the same age as you or is who they say they are? Play it safe and stay online. If you really have to meet ALWAYS take a parent or adult friend with you and ONLY meet in a public place.
Don't talk to people who make you feel uncomfortable
If someone says things to you that you don't like or makes you feel uncomfortable, just leave the room - one mouse click and you're out of there! You can report them to us by email or get help straightaway by using our 'Call for help' function.
Do tell your parents or guardians what you are doing
By telling them where you are hanging out online - and perhaps even showing them round the hotel - you will put their minds at rest.
Do call for help if you need to
You can get help at any time of the day or night by using the 'Call for help' function - this alerts our online moderators (hobbas), who will come and talk to you.
Do have fun!
The whole point of Habboing!
For more tips and advice on safe online chat, take a look at these websites: