i:Mega Raros
n:Mega Raros
t1:Rare txt
h:Rares rares... y muchos más raros.
Did ¿Harto de mencionar rares?
p:Throne Important Habbos only 25 s throne 0 1,1 5 throne 0,0,0
p:Dragon Egg The stuff of legend 25 s spyro 0 1,1 10 dino 0,0,0
p:Typewriter Write that bestseller 25 s typingmachine 0 1,1 7 typo 0,0,0
p:Gold Trophy Gorgeously glittery 25 s prize1 2 1,1 5 prize1 0,0,0
p:Silver Trophy Nice and shiny 25 s prize2 0 1,1 4 prize2 0,0,0
p:Bronse Trophy A weighty award 25 s prize3 0 1,1 3 prize3 0,0,0
p:Petal Patch A little bit of outdoors indoors... 25 s rare_daffodil_rug 0 2,2 3 petal 0,0,0
p:Habbo Turntable For the retro music-lover 25 s djesko_turntable 0 1,1 6 djdecks 0,0,0
p:Holopod As if by magic... 25 s hologram 0 1,1 3 holoboy 0,0,0
p:Holo-girl You're her only hope... 25 s redhologram 0 1,1 3 hologirl 0,0,0
p:Russian Samovar Click for a refreshing cuppa 25 s samovar 0 1,1 5 samovar 0,0,0
p:Habbo Cola Machine A sparkling and refreshing pixel drink! 25 s md_limukaappi 0 1,1 3 cola 0,0,0
p:Aloe Vera Goodbye Bert... 25 s plant_cruddy 0 1,1 5 plant_cruddy 0,0,0
p:Hammock Eco bed 25 s rare_hammock 0 1,3 5 rare_hammock 0,0,0
p:Holiday Romance Peep through and smile! 25 s valentinescreen 0 2,1 5 valentinescreen 0,0,0
p:Lappland Greetings Ho Ho Ho! 25 s rare_xmas_screen 0 2,1 5 rare_xmas_screen 0,0,0
p:Green Parasol Block those rays! 25 s rare_parasol*0 0 1,1 5 green_para #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#94f718
p:Yellow Parasol Block those rays! 25 s rare_parasol*1 0 1,1 5 yellow_para #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffff11
p:Violet Parasol Block those rays! 25 s rare_parasol*3 0 1,1 5 violet_para #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#d47fff
p:Orange Parasol Block those rays! 25 s rare_parasol*2 0 1,1 5 orange_para #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ff8f61
p:Bird Bath (green) For our feathered friends 25 s rare_fountain*2 0 1,1 5 green_bath #ffffff,#ffffff,#b8cf00
p:Bird Bath (grey) For our feathered friends 25 s rare_fountain*1 0 1,1 5 grey_bath #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff
p:Bird Bath (red) For our feathered friends 25 s rare_fountain 0 1,1 5 red_bath #ffffff,#ffffff,#ef5a5a
p:Bird Bath (blue) For our feathered friends 25 s rare_fountain*3 0 1,1 5 blue_bath #ffffff,#ffffff,#52bdbd
p:Golden Elephant Say hello to Nelly 25 s rare_elephant_statue 0 1,1 5 gold_elephant #ffffff,#ffcc00
p:Silver Elephant Say hello to Nelly 25 s rare_elephant_statue*1 0 1,1 5 silver_elephant #ffffff,#bfbfbf
p:Bronze Elephant Say hello to Nelly 25 s rare_elephant_statue*2 0 1,1 5 bronze_elephant #ffffff,#cc6600
p:Blue Amber Lamp A honey-hued glow 25 s rare_beehive_bulb 0 1,1 5 blue_amber #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#55c4de,#ffffff
p:Red Amber Lamp A honey-hued glow 25 s rare_beehive_bulb*1 0 1,1 5 red_amber #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#de5555,#ffffff
p:Yellow Amber Lamp A honey-hued glow 25 s rare_beehive_bulb*2 0 1,1 5 yellow_amber #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffcc00,#ffffff
p:Speaker's Corner Stand and Deliver! 25 s rare_stand 0 1,1 5 speaker 0,0,0
p:Snow Globe It's all white.. 25 s rare_globe 0 1,1 5 rare_globe 0,0,0
p:Black Monolith Monolith goes up! Monolith goes down! 25 s scifidoor*6 1 1,1 3 mono #ffffff,#333333,#333333,#333333,#ffffff
p:Snow Rug Let's get sporty! 25 s rare_snowrug 0 2,2 3 snow 0,0,0
p:Infobus The Special Infobus Poster 15 i poster 2005 poster 2005
p:White Habbo Roller The power of movement 7 s queue_tile1*0 0 1,1 a4 queue_white #ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff
p:One Way Door This way please... 7 s one_way_door*0 0 1,1 a4 one_way_door 0,#FFFFFF
p:Summer Grill For You!!1 15 s summer_grill 0 1,1 5 summer_grill 0,0,0