i:Jungla n:Jungla Furniture only available for a short while so stock up rapidly!l:ctlg_layout2 g:LT_header_es w:Click on the item you want for more information. s:JUNGLE FURNI! goods! h:JUNGLE FURNI! furniture is newly released into the habbo world as were new for everything! e:LT_teaser_es, p:Calip Pool Swin indoors 200 s ads_calip_pool 0 1,1 3 ads_calip_pool.cct 0,0,0 p:Clrack Hangin 200 s clrack 0 1,1 3 clrack 0,0,0 p:Diner Poster Poster 100 i diner_poster diner_poster p:Bug Hill Bug hill 200 s lt_bughill 0 1,1 3 lt_bughill 0,0,0 p:Gate lt Gate 200 s lt_gate 0 1,1 3 lt_gate 0,0,0 p:Jungle Wall Its a jungle out there 300 s lt_jngl_wall 0 1,1 3 lt_jngl_wall 0,0,0 p:Lava IT BURNS! 300 s lt_lava 0 1,1 3 lt_lava 0,0,0 p:Lava2 IT BURNS! 300 s lt_lavac 0 1,1 3 lt_lavac 0,0,0 p:Patch Grass? 300 s lt_patch 0 2,2 3 lt_patch 0,0,0 p:LT Pillar 2 Big Pillar 300 s LT_pillar2 0 1,1 3 LT_pillar2 0,0,0 p:Skull Someones head 300 s LT_skull 0 1,1 3 LT_skull 0,0,0 p:Spider Spider!!! 300 s lt_spider 0 1,1 3 lt_spider 0,0,0 p:Stage1 Grass Stage 300 s lt_stage1 0 1,1 3 lt_stage1 0,0,0 p:Stage2 Grass Stage 300 s lt_stage2 0 1,1 3 lt_stage2 0,0,0 p:stone stoney 300 s lt_stone2 0 1,1 3 lt_stone2 0,0,0 p:Grass Throne King of the Jungle only 300 s LT_throne 0 1,1 3 LT_throne 0,0,0 p:Noticeboard Post it! 300 s noticeboard 0 1,1 3 noticeboard 0,0,0 p:Calip teleport Wow dudee 200 s ads_calip_tele 0 1,1 3 ads_calip_tele 0,0,0