i:Gótico n:Gótico l:ctlg_layout2 g:catalog_gothic_headline1 w:Elije objeto para + detalles s: h:Toda la oscuridad dentro de Habbo con los Furnis majesticos góticos. Sólo para el Habbo que teme a la oscuridad de cerca. e:catalog_gothic_teaser1, p:Red Gothic Chair The Dark Side of Habbo 10 s gothic_chair*3 0 1,1 a3 gothicchair #ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff,#dd0000 p:Red Gothic Sofa The Dark Side of Habbo 7 s gothic_sofa*3 0 2,1 a3 gothicsofa #ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff,#ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff p:Red Gothic Stool The Dark Side of Habbo 5 s gothic_stool*3 0 1,1 a3 gothicstool #ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff p:Cobbled Path The route less travelled 5 s gothic_carpet 0 2,4 a3 gothic_carpet1 0,0,0 p:Dungeon Floor What lies beneath? 5 s gothic_carpet2 0 2,4 a3 gothic_carpet2 0,0,0 p:Gothic Table The Dark Side of Habbo 15 s goth_table 0 1,5 a0 goth_table 0,0,0 p:Gothic Railing The Dark Side of Habbo 8 s gothrailing 0 2,1 a0 gothrailing 0,0,0 p:Gothic Torch The Dark Side of Habbo 10 i torch a0 torch p:Gothic Fountain The dark side of Habbo 10 i gothicfountain a0 gothicfountain p:Gothic Candleabra Through darkness came light 10 s gothiccandelabra 0 1,1 a0 gothiccandelabra 0,0,0 p:Gothic Portcullis The Dark Side of Habbo 10 s gothgate 0 2,1 a0 gothgate 0,0,0 p:Industrial Turbine Powerful and resilient 10 i industrialfan a0 industrialfan