s:2: No Habbo here, just us trees...
h:Introducing the Plant Collection...  Every room needs a plant! Not only do they bring a bit of the outside inside, they also enhance the air quality! 
w:Click on the item you want for more information.
p:Vase of Flowers	Guaranteed to stay fresh	4		s	giftflowers	0	1,1	a2 giftflowers	0,0,0
p:Cut Roses	Sleek and chic	3		s	plant_rose	0	1,1	a2 ruusu	
p:Cut Sunflower	For happy Habbos	3		s	plant_sunflower	0	1,1	a2 aurinko	
p:Yukka Plant	Easy to care for	3		s	plant_yukka	0	1,1	A2 JUKKA	
p:Pineapple Plant	Needs loving glances	3		s	plant_pineapple	0	1,1	A1 ANANAS	
p:Bonsai Tree	You can be sure it lives	3		s	plant_bonsai	0	1,1	A2 BONSAI	
p:Mature Cactus	Habbo Dreams monster in hiding!  Shhhh	3		s	plant_big_cactus	0	1,1	A2 ISOKAKTUS	
p:Small Cactus	Even less watering than the real world	1		s	plant_small_cactus	0	1,1	A1 PIKKUKAKTUS	
p:Fruit Tree	Great yield and sweet fruit	3		s	plant_fruittree	0	1,1	A1 PUU